{FE} 15. The Japanese Cat

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(Y/N) (L/N), 16
Ability: A Mourning Cry
Location: Marseille, France


A young girl sat at her bed, her hand grasped a wooden staff with a rose pendant. She wore a black button up with black slacks and loafers. A large white coat hung off of her shoulders. The door creaked open, revealing her father and a man next to him.

" Morning, young one," her father spoke, a sly grin on his face," How is this space fitting you?" (Y/N) stood up and walked towards him," It's not much, but I'm more fond of being alone." He hums in understanding.

" (Y/N)," he said, catching her attention," Do you know how to kill?" Inside, she felt herself shiver at the thought, but she wouldn't let her father have the satisfaction of her reacting to his antics. She blankly stared at him," I've lived my life as an abused child, I can barely do anything without my ability."

" Good, good," the man lit up, a sinister thought behind that smile," This is Ryou Tanaka, one of my best men. He'll be teaching you the ropes." The younger male stood out from behind him, and waved his hand. " If you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to.,"her father said, closing the door behind him.

(Y/N) glared at Ryou angrily, pulling out a kitchen knife from behind her. " Hi~ doll," Ryou spoke," Seems like you've taken something from last nights dinner, ey?" She shoved the knife closer to him, as he approached her slowly.

" I have no will to live, but being here puts me on edge. Why should I trust you?," (Y/N) spoke. He swiped the knife out of her hands, taunting her with it," Well, a little kitchen knife won't do. Get up, we're going to headquarters on the bottom floor."

She straightened her back and sighed," I have nothing to kill you with. My father even cut off my water supply for tonight." Ryou scratched the back on his head," Yeah, sorry about that. After today, you should be able to get that back."


slash swipe

" Come one hit me harder!," Ryou shouted at her emotionlessly. She was panting at this point, swiping another time at the man. He kicked her in the gut, and she dropped the knife in her hands as she fell to the ground.

He picked the blade, twirling it between his fingers," If you do the same moves over again, you're not going to get anywhere." Ryou threw it on her lap," Get up, or I'll kick you twice." She didn't move just yet, catching her breathe.

Suddenly, her collar was pulled up by a hand. " Hey when I tell you to get up, you get up.," he spat, moving his face closer to hers," Or would you rather be a useless ragdoll instead?" (Y/N) slapped his face, returning on her feet and holding the knife in one hand.

" Good," Ryou spoke with a grin," Show me you're not useless and kill me!"


It was ten at night, the moonlight shown through the window corridors of (Y/N)'s fathers office. He heard footsteps from Ryou, making him turn around," Is the training working?" Ryou scoffed, shoving his bangs out of his hair," No way, without that ability of hers, she's completely useless."

" As I expected," the boss said, twirling a pen in his hands," That mother of hers was ruthless. You've noticed the bandages on her hands and arms, right?" Ryou nodded. He continued," She'd tried to burn her own hands off with countless methods of abuse. However, her ability was her crutch."

Ryou observed as the man in front of him started writing down on a piece of paper. " We'll have her do assassination jobs," the man continued," She'll work when it rains, so then she can use her ability. When she goes out, come with her and bring several of my other men along. Make sure she doesn't resist. Here."

He handed him an order to his troops," Give this to our troops and (Y/N) as well." Ryou bowed before walking away. The doors to his office closed.

Her father intertwined his hand together and placed his chin on them. " (Y/N)," he spoke," You're ability can be ruthless, yet I won't tell you now. Emotions. Emotions is the true potential of your ability. Ah yes, one day I'll die and you'll take over this syndicate."

He started to laugh maniacally," Oh yes! Abilities and emotions!!! The most powerful to say the least. The ones that cannot be controlled, and now it's in my hands."


" Assassination in the rain?," those words had left (Y/n)'s lips, as she looked at the paper while lying on her bed. She stood up, walking towards Ryou and shoving the paper into his chest. " I don't care," she waved her hands away," I'll do it, just give me my damn water supply and let me go out."

" Bratty are we?," he said predatorily, walking into the room. He pushed her up against the wall," You're in no place to speak, doll. I'll get you your damn things if you can shut your mouth." (Y/N) scowled, trying to avert his disgusting gaze.

He shoved his lips onto hers, taking away her breathe. It wasn't out of love, but it was out of hunger, or at least anger. She eventually found the power to shove his chest, wiping her lips. " Get off me," she muttered," You're disgusting."

" Do what you're told. After all, your father could care less about you.," Ryou spoke, looking down at her. " You don't think I know that?," her voice was hushed," If anything, I know no one cares about me. I'd rather die, but if people are involved with me, good or not, I'll stay alive."

" You're pathetic. I almost feel bad for you.," he said, taking steps out of the door.

" Get out."


It was a week after. Early in the morning, (Y/N) was assigned to meet a politician in the alleyway at night to get paid protection money. If she wasn't given it, she was told to slash his throat. It was around 4 in the morning, the sky was grey and rain fell from the sky. The streets were empty, meaning she and her men could walk around without any interruptions.

They approached the alleyway. Her knowledge of French was limited, meaning that Ryou had to speak for her. " Do you have the money?," he said, blankly staring at the man in the suit. " N-no, but I can get it back to you in a week."

Ryou looked down and (Y/N), whispering in her ear the translation. " Ability: A Mourning Cry," the girl mumbled enough for the politician to hear.

She lifted her hand out from her coat, her arm reaching the air. The rain seemed to pause, the droplets moving to her will. Each of them formed into a blade that was big enough to stab the man. He trembled, until he could no longer breathe.

She controlled the blade to place down the man gently. " Clean this up," Ryou commanded, snapping his fingers. (Y/N) turned the blade into water, walking away from the scene. " Where are you going, doll?," the man said, grabbing her coat.

" I'm going to a cafe.," her blank stare reaching his eyes," I didn't have breakfast this morning. Tell my dad that I'll be working on the reports when I get back home. I want to go out into the city."

" You think you've been granted that?," Ryou chuckled. " If anything," she looked back," He doesn't care, just as long as I come back. I'll obey you, but let me have this freedom."

Ryou let go and sighed, not wanting to deal with her stubborness.

" You brat.."


Good Morrow~ my dearest readers!

I hope ya'll enjoyed!!! ^^ No new updates for now, but I'm hoping this caught your attention. Next chapter is on the way!

Byebye! :)

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