chapter 4{coffe}

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     'Savage love,did somebody,did somebody   
Breack your heart? Lookin' like an angel,but you savage love
  I know when you kiss me,i know you dont give two fucks'
                                                                  -jason derulo

Chapter 4{Coffe}

The day was a sigh of relief the boy asher was mostly at my class staring at me like a maniac like he wanted to kill me,he tried to talk to me but i ignore him by walking away and run as my feet could take me,another sigh of relief my mother and sister is not home yet even tho its like 5 in the afternoon,maybe they went out and eat some fancy resturant and have fun or maybe mom had an important client and bring lily with her,when i got home i quikly rush upstairs and quikly took a shower,i dress into my uniform and went downstairs.

I grab my bag and went to my car i turn my radio on and its savage love by jason derulo,i was heading to bob's coffe shop where i serve as a waiter,i hope that asher boy wont come to the coffe shop that will be a trouble,i parked my car and went inside the coffe shop.

I got behinde the counter and put my aperon im the only person working at afternoon shift,my shift ended at 9 P.M so its no worry for me to school and study,the bell ding and my first costumer came and sit on the booth i quikly grab there order and give it to him,i continue reading some paper from school when the bell ding i look up and saw....ahser.

What the hell is he doing here oh my god...he brought the bitch with him oh my god im so dead ill just pry that he wont regconize me shit.

I went to there table with a pen and notepad and sigh,welp here i go "what can i get for you two?." I said looking at them with confedence "oh i wanted a carammel coffe please" the bitch said looking at the menu "how about you sir,what would you like?." I said,i hope he orders right away and dont take to long this is eritetating "i would like a hot chocolate please."he said,i write there orders down "is that all?,ill be right back with your orders."i walk away and go straight to the kitchen where i spoted bob he is the owner of the coffe shop "hey bob i didnt see you here arlier where ya been?" I ask,bob is ussally in the kitchen making coffe but earlier i was the one who make the tea "oh my wife is sick so i need someone to take care for her in the mean time while the kids are at school" he said making the order,bob is a loving father and a husband you could wish for he will do everything to feed there family,bob has 2 kids and belive it or not its a twin they are now like 11 years old and a very smart kids "heres ya order serve this the costumer might be waiting for to long." Bob said,i nod  and take the coffe and hot chocolate.

"Here you go sir and ma'am"i said giving them there order "that would be 20 dollor" i said turning around "waiter!!!!"the bitch said,i quikly go to them hope they dont regconize my face "what is this?!!"the bitch said in a very angry tone while looking at her coffe,she then look at me shit not today...

"Oh hey there waiter,what kind of coffe is this?" She said in a sweet voice,i have a bad feeling about this "uhm its a caramill coffe you ask" i said smiling "babe not here"asher whisper holding his girlfirneds hands,the bitch girl stands up and hold her coffe "oh here you can take your nasty coffe" she said spilling the coffe all over me,its kinda hot but dosnt burn that much.

People gasp and record but i dont care "there you go drink up" she said in a sweet voice "babe lets go now dont wanna waist time here"she said and grab his hands to leave,ahser grab his wallet and put 30 dallor "keep the change" he said then leave,ugh now i smeel like caramill,i went to the staff only room and took off my uniform good thing i left some extra uniform here,i change into a new uniform and put the dirty uniform into a ziplock bag and put it into my bag,i went to the sink and wash my hair i didnt bring some shampoo i went outside and meet bob "oh dear r you okay?" He said in a worry voice,he is like a father to me "yeah im okay just got little stinky" i said,he nods and went to the kitchen,i sit behinde the counter and continue my day,i hope this shift wont be as bad as earlier.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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