Chapter Seven : "Baking is always fun"

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12.09 p.m.
rainbowparadise1: Helloo!
How are you today?

_leahh_: Hi!
I'm okay, could be better though hbu?

rainbowparadise1: I'm not really sure. :)

_leahh_: Well, we're on the same boat so

rainbowparadise1: Yay.

_leahh_: In all seriousness, is everything okay?

rainbowparadise1: Hum. Yeah. I'm just sad it's nothing.

_leahh_: Whatever it is that's making you feel sad, can fuck off :))
I don't like when you're sad :(

rainbowparadise1: It's okay. I'll be fine.

_leahh_: You sure?

rainbowparadise1: Yes. Thank you. :)

_leahh_: No problem. And if ever you need to talk to someone just know I'll be here hehe

rainbowparadise1: Thank you. :)

_leahh_: Now let's hype up the convooo

rainbowparadise1: Haha!!

_leahh_: Can u believe its been a wEEK since we met cuz I don't :0

rainbowparadise1: Wow, a week? Time sure flies by fast.

_leahh_: yeah! Ndjsjsjskdkd
What are you up to?

rainbowparadise1: I'm currently writing. :D

_leahh_: Ooooo that's fun
I would love to see some of your work one day, but ik it can be personal so I understand :)

rainbowparadise1: Maybe eventually. Maybe you even already have. :)

_leahh_: Oh really? :)
Wait what does this mean?

rainbowparadise1: Oh, nothiiing. :)

_leahh_: *squints eyes*
Now I'm curious!

rainbowparadise1: 😁😁

_leahh_: Harold don't do this :)

rainbowparadise1: 🙊

_leahh_: Wow that one time u use an emojis

rainbowparadise1: Hahaha!!

02:00 p.m
_leahh_: How's Evie doinn

rainbowparadise1: She's alright. She's sleeping. :)
How's Pea? :D

_leahh_: Tryin to eat me alive :/

rainbowparadise1: Hehe and that is why, I don't have a dog. ;)

_leahh_: Yeah make fun of me
I'm fine :')

rainbowparadise1: :)

_leahh_: I just watched 12 episodes of friends, yeah I'm definitely not fine.

rainbowparadise1: Hahahaha! I loove friends

_leahh_: What about u?

rainbowparadise1: I'm sending music to a few friends and those few friends are sending some music back.

_leahh_: coolio send me sum good bops while ur at it haha :P
I'm kidding

rainbowparadise1: Hahaha!

_leahh_: Harrryyyy :(

rainbowparadise1: Yes?

_leahh_: I'm bored

rainbowparadise1: I'm afraid I can't do much about that. Hahaha!!

_leahh_: obvs
I'm sorry I'm probably bothering u

rainbowparadise1: No, it's okay. :)

_leahh_: I'm being such a pain right now because I've got nothing to do I'm sorry

rainbowparadise1: I don't think you're being a pain.
I must say it's pretty hard to stay busy when we can't leave the house. But I'm sure if you look around you'll find something to do. :)

_leahh_: Ik i feel like everyone found something to do, and here I am staring at my wall and waiting for a miracle to happen :|

rainbowparadise1: Try finding something to do. :)
I, for example, am baking. 😁

_leahh_: I love u right now.
I lOVE baking!
That's something that always keeps me busy, I experiment a lot :D

rainbowparadise1: Hahaha!
Yeah, baking is always fun.

_leahh_: Did you make anything now or recently?

rainbowparadise1: Well, right now, my cookies are in the oven. 😁

_leahh_: yumm
Send me one, wud be much appreciated :p

rainbowparadise1: 🍪

_leahh_: Thank u sir
Looks good tastes good. You did a great job :D

rainbowparadise1: Thank you thank you. :)

_leahh_: I gotta shower now ttyl smiles ;)

rainbowparadise1: Okayy. Talk later!

It's been a week ever since I met Harry. I really enjoy talking to him, even about random silly things. He's a good listener, I'm surprised he hasn't I don't know, blocked me yet. I'm a real crackhead, but he seems to like that.

I have no idea where this relationship is heading but I'm excited in getting to know more about him. He still is pretty awkward at times. And doesn't talk as much as I do.

One thing that triggers me is the way he types. With full stops, commas and capital letters. He's very formal. But I have a plan of breaking him out of his shell. He just needs time. But I'll be patient and wait for that moment.

3:56 p.m
_leahh_: I'm bacc

rainbowparadise1: Helloo!

_leahh_: So what r u doin

rainbowparadise1: I'm sitting on the floor. And you?

_leahh_: why are u on the floor?
Did u fall and forgot to stand back up or smthn? Hahhaha

rainbowparadise1: Yes, I fell off my bed. :p

_leahh_: hATE when that happens siGH haha
Seriously why are you on the floor?

rainbowparadise1: I don't really know.

_leahh_: oh alright
Is there a lot on ur mind?

rainbowparadise1: Hum, yeah.

_leahh_: oh I tend to do that, I hope you're ok though :(

rainbowparadise1: I am fine.
I'm going for a drive now, I'm tired of being inside.

_leahh_: That's nice enjoy it :)

rainbowparadise1: :D

_leahh_: I'll have to go for a walk with my dog anyway, so I'm leaving my house too for like 20 minutes wooohooo

rainbowparadise1: That's an opportunity to take some fresh air.

_leahh_: Yess

rainbowparadise1: Well, I'll talk to you later. Enjoy your walk. x.

_leahh_: Till later and u too! x

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