Chapter Fourteen : "Puppy Love"

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_leahh_: oh my god Pea just PEAed on my carpet :|

rainbowparadise1: Did he really? Guess you'll have to clean it hehe. :P

_leahh_: nah BUT THIS WAS THE PERFECT opportunity to make the joke sO I took it ;;;))

rainbowparadise1: You're unbelievable.

_leahh_: cmon u loooove me ;)

rainbowparadise1: Maybe I do. :o

_leahh_: what

rainbowparadise1: What?

_leahh_: whaT

rainbowparadise1: What.

_leahh_: *squints eyes*

rainbowparadise1: 🙊

_leahh_: yeah, avoid the subject. Its fINE :)))

rainbowparadise1: Haha!! How are you?

_leahh_: I'm gud and u?

rainbowparadise1: I'm not quite sure.

_leahh_: oh why's that?

rainbowparadise1: I'm currently with a doctor.

_leahh_: oh, I hope it's nothing serious

rainbowparadise1: I don't know. It's for my head.

_leahh_: Well, tell me how it goes after the checkup :)

rainbowparadise1: Will do. x.

- 1 hour later -
rainbowparadise1: Hello.

_leahh_: how are you??

rainbowparadise1: I'm a bit better. The doctor gave me some anti-inflammatory.
And I have an appointment in a few days for a scan.

_leahh_: awh that's good. Get well soon!!!

rainbowparadise1: Thank you. :)

_leahh_: I've been so bored all day. I watched 2 movies haha

rainbowparadise1: Oh that's nice!

_leahh_: I've for a headache now, wonder who I got it from :0

rainbowparadise1: Might have gotten it from me through the screen.

_leahh_: yeahh because that makes sense!

rainbowparadise1: Hahaha!!
It definitely does.

_leahh_: have you got some kind of telepathic powers? :o

rainbowparadise1: Hhmmm, who knows. 🤔

_leahh_: being mysterious now, are we? :)

rainbowparadise1: 🤔🤔

_leahh_: Harry you never use emojis, who are you??

rainbowparadise1: I'm Bob remember? Tsk tsk.

_leahh_: oh yeah, the better one ;))

rainbowparadise1: I'll pretend I didn't just read that.

_leahh_: sassy Harry, never seen that before :0

rainbowparadise1: :P
You're in a good mood today.

_leahh_: am I?

rainbowparadise1: Well, from what I can tell. :)
Wait, you are aren't you?

_leahh_: hahaha oBvs I'm just messing with u. I got you worried huhhh :p

rainbowparadise1: No comment.

_leahh_: how are you feeling now, any better?

rainbowparadise1: Not really.
And you?

_leahh_: nopeee still in pain
I made some tea but I doubt that'll help with the headache

rainbowparadise1: It may help a little bit.

_leahh_: yeah maybe
What about you, did u take anything for it?

rainbowparadise1: Yes, I did.

_leahh_: that's good :)

rainbowparadise1: Yeah, if it worked.

_leahh_: ooop let's not be negative about this, hopefully it'll pass soon :)

rainbowparadise1: I'm sorry, and yeah hopefully.

_leahh_: have u taken any nice pics recently, I loved the pictures you sent me before :D

rainbowparadise1: Hhmm. Let me see.
*picture sent*

_leahh_: awhhh a doggie cute :')

rainbowparadise1: It's my best friend's. His name is Pixel.

_leahh_: it's a cute dog :p

rainbowparadise1: I knoow. I get to babysit him occasionally. 😁

_leahh_: aw that's adorable!

rainbowparadise1: Yeah, I love to keep him. He's an amazing puppy.

_leahh_: yeah I can tell by the picture :)
Haha I think Pea thinks so too

rainbowparadise1: How so?

_leahh_: he started licking the screen-

rainbowparadise1: That's adorable!!
What does Pea look like? I'm curious. :D

_leahh_: *picture sent*
Here's my lil cutie, I took this yesterday on a walk :)

rainbowparadise1: Ooh, he's so cute! Is it a shihtzu??

_leahh_: yes :D

rainbowparadise1: Lovely dog. :)
Nice shoe by the way, I'm guessing that's yours?

_leahh_: nOoo, it's my neighbours and I went over, knocked on his door then asked him to take the picture of Pea. ;)

rainbowparadise1: Ha ha. :|

_leahh_: u asked a dumb question so I'm giving u a dumb answer

rainbowparadise1: :(

_leahh_: don't mess with my intellectual brain smiles ;)

rainbowparadise1: I'll keep that in mind. :)

_leahh_: Well Harry, it was lovely talking to you. My eyes are literally closing so I think imma head to sleep

rainbowparadise1: Alrighty. Goodnight, sleep well. x.

_leahh_: goodnight Harold and you too x

rainbowparadise1: :)

They're so cuuutee uwu
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