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Lexie frowned as she heard the door to the flat opening. She climbed out of bed and saw her brother Simon standing there. She rolled her eyes. "What?"

"You start Waterloo Road today. You're the new PA. The school can't officially begin until you're there," Simon said.

Lexie rolled her eyes but sighed. She walked into her bedroom and sighed. She got changed and soon looked at her brother. "You only got me that job cause mum wanted you to."

"No. I did it to help you. You came to me and said that you wanted to better your life. So I'm helping you with it."


Simon took Lexie into the school. They saw Aimee and Lexie walked over to her. "You're here. Didn't think you'd turn up?" Aimee said.

Lexie sighed. "I didn't have much choice. My brother turned up and dragged me outta bed. Not impressed."

Aimee smiled. She had grown up with Lexie and Simon. Lexie was her best friend. "I think you need to get laid. When was the last time you had sex?" She asked.

Lexie shrugged. "It's been that bloody long. I forgot what it feels like," she told her.

Aimee smirked and nodded. She walked over to Simon. "Any reason you dragged Lexie's ass outta bed?" She asked.

Lexie walked to the office and sighed. She bumped into her boss and grinned. "Hello again Mr Boss."


Lexie knew she was attracted to her boss. But she couldn't go there. He was married man and she wouldn't go there. She wouldn't ruin someone's marriage for the sake of having sex.

Lexie was sitting in the office. She sighed and looked up as Simon walked in. He smiled. "How are you finding it?" He asked.

"It's boring. But I'm adjusting to it."

Simon smiled. "You'll be okay Lex. Mum and dad are just worried that you won't find your calling in life," he said.

Lexie rolled her eyes. "What is my calling? Answering phone calls? Cause believe me, this is far from what I want to do in life," she told him.

Simon could tell that Lexie wasn't happy. She hadn't been happy in a long time. Not since her boyfriend had died in a car accident and she lost their baby.

Max walked into the office. He saw Lexie and smiled. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just wish I had something more to do," Lexie said as she looked at him.

Max smiled. "Well you could always join me for a drink tonight. It'll help you feel settled in," he said.

Lexie looked at him and nodded. She smiled slightly. "Thanks. I think I will."


Lexie didn't know what she was thinking while going to see Max. She knew he was married and he was her boss. That automatically took him away from her. She wasn't going there.

Lexie sighed as she took a sip of the coffee she was drinking. She had no idea how working at Waterloo Road was going to change her life.

And it wouldn't be for the best either.

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