Chaos arrival! The reverse Warrior

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/Author notes:

Hey guys, it's... been a while. I must ask forgiveness for the delay. I've forgotten about it. 

Well, anyway, let's start this party, shall we?/

  After a long walk across the streets of Tokyo, Ishida Naoki and Komoi Shingo soon got inside Card Capital. There they spotted a lot of different fighters.

Not really having the experience to fight against any of the players who where there, Naoki went to an empty table, with Shingo following suit.

"So, we're going to try and find a good deck for you today, Naoki. Again" The bowl cut boy said, seemingly annoyed, but inside, he was little hopeful that a change in scenery would help they decide what clan was best to his friend.

"Yeah let's do this!" the red headed said, enthusiasm in his voice. His shout earned them a glare from the shopkeeper, however, Naoki seemed oblivious to it.

While Shingo was trying to help Naoki to decide a clan, someone entered in the shop. The door opened to reveal no other than Toshiki Kai.

Misaki, seeing this, sighted. The teen looked at her, hope in his blue eyes.

"He isn't here, if that is what you want to ask."

Hearing that, Kai semblance became sad. He wanted to give Aichi his card back. While he knew that he won that fight fair and square, he couldn't help but remember the look in Aichi's eye.

It was a look of someone without a goal. The look of someone who lost all. That look reminded Kai of... him.

In a way, they really are alike. Sendou Aichi and Suzugamori Ren. They both love vanguard with all they're hear, and they both have a deep connection with the brunette.

Knowing that he could help Ren to turn for the best, but didn't do anything just hurt Kai even more. So he swore that he would never turn his back when a friend was in need again.

But still, why wasn't he coming here? Did he got that destroyed?

Lost in thoughts Kai went to the closest table. There, Morikawa Katsumi challenged him, and lost, yet again.

What he didn't see while cardfighting was that someone was observing they're fight.

"That's the clan!" Naoki scream made all the heads in card capital turn in his direction. "Shingo, that's the clan I want to play with. I want to play the same clan that dude is playing."

"Oh, you mean Kagero? Well, I have some spare cards of this clan with me... but I have never really played using it."

"No problem then. He can teach me!" At this point, Kai was more lost than when he first came here. Nevertheless, he found himself in the sudden position of teacher,

"Wait! Don't decide things on your own!" The overlord player screamed, annoyed by that amateur antics.

"Pretty please!" Naoki asked, with stars on his eyes. Seeing this, Kai didn't really found strength to refuse.

"Okay. Misaki, can you please get him a deck of the Kagero clan." Kai sighted, as he asked to the lavender haired shopkeeper. "I hope you're ready kid. I don't go easy against anyone. Even if he just learned how to play."

After that, Misaki got him one of the built decks that Shin usually make for newbies. Naoki seemed rather scared of the lavender haired girl, like she was a part of a gang.

Then, they both placed the starter vanguard in the vanguard circle.

"Stand up! (The) Vanguard!" They both declared.

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