The rematch between two promised rivals Part 1

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Toshiki Kai

Kai kept walking towards the place where the card shone brightest, but was forced to a halt. Aichi wasn't there. Placing the card on his pocket, he was about to leave, however, a voice stopped him.

"My master was waiting you, master Toshiki." The voice was feminine, this much Kai could tell. Looking back, he saw the owner of such a voice.

It was Ultra Rare chauffeur. Ushimaru.

Kai remembered seeing her on an Autograph section. It was broadcast to all of Japan's land. She is someone who don't talk all that much... but what she told did intrigued the brunette.

Seeing no reason to not follow, Kai went ahead with her toward the elevator.

When they entered, she placed a key in a keyhole in the panel. Next thing Kai saw was the elevator panel opening itself and showing a lot of underground floors.

This building had almost 40 floors upward, and Kai doubted that it could have the same number of underground one's. It, however proved wrong when he saw the number where they were heading. 42.

'How the hell does someone have so much money?' Kai's musing was cut to a halt when they picked speed. It was like breaking the sound barrier. They were going so fast that he almost thrown up when, after a few seconds, they stopped.

The door opened and the sight made Kai's hold his breath. The huge room was covered in light. Light that came from computer's monitors, from red lamps, and from a huge holographic table.

In front of said table, was a boy. He was no older than Aichi, but something in him was... different.

It was like Kai was a celestial body being pulled towards a black hole. It was scary, but at the same time, the young Toshiki was amazed by the experience in itself. Like a part of him that he never once knew he had was calling him towards the boy.

His back was facing to them, his long white hair being the only thing Kai could discern from him. When he turned towards the brunette, and they're eyes finally gaze into the kid's golden ones, Kai immediately tenses himself. The boy's eyes were glowing. The same glow that Ren had.

No, it was different. Ren's eyes gleamed in a furious red tone. One that screamed about destruction and chaos. The kid, however, had eyes that wish towards order and love. Like he was all the good in a distant world. A world devastated by war and death. It was like he was the will of that world, searching for the means to achieve peace.

Then, Kai felt his consciousness leave his body. In what seemed like the most surreal experience of his own life, Kai's mind traveled light years of distance in a matter of seconds. He gazed toward the cosmos, gaining infinite knowledge. So much was being putted in his mind that, to avoid an overload of information, his mind came back towards his body.

Kai, on his knees, was grasping for air. Sweat on his face and unfocused eyes, he seemed like he run a marathon while holding the weight of the world on his back. Needless to say, while trying to make sense of that, he was scared as hell.

"What... what the fuck was that..." the young Toshiki asked, his heartbeat skyrocket when Ushimaru forced him back on his feet. Her grasp was strong, which made his eyes focus back on the kid's face.

"Don't look away Toshiki... what I'm about to show you is something that only the selected few can see." The boy, no... the thing in front of Kai spoke.

"Who... no, what are you?" Kai asked, in a tone that he didn't heard himself using in a long time. The tone he used back when he begun to use Kagerou. A tone of pure, unadulterated fear.

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