The Cabin Mates

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Putting that out there instead of saying it at the beginning of each chapter

ALSO IMPORTANT Includes a few homophobic people and slurs (I am censoring the swears). If this bothers you, PLEASE stay safe and don't read!


Nico POV

After fighting with Percy all day about what the best thing to order at McDonald's was, I started heading back to my cabin. It was obviously happy meals, stupid Percy.

As I was walking, I saw Will Solace, my crush, running after Travis and Connor Stoll. Wonder what they did this time. As he was running by, Will grabbed my hand and started pulling me along with him. After we caught up and I scolded the Stolls for dumping a bucket of glitter on Will, or at they tried to. Will apparently opened the door, realized he forgot his jacket, it's getting closer to winter after all, and turned back when the bucket fell. Will and I decided to go back to my cabin and hang out for a bit.

~~Matt the squirrel, cousin to Lee the elephant, wants to say hi!~~

The next day, I slept really late, I was still in bed around lunch time. I get a knock on my door. Should I answer it? No! Of course not! It's still cold, and it's comfy under my pile of blankets. Whoever's there be darned. 

Welp, that didn't work, and around twenty people piled into my room. WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY to many people, especially since I don't know pretty much any of them, I've just seen them around camp. But I noticed several Aphrodite and Ares campers and a few of Will's siblings that I never learned the names of. The rest I wasn't sure what cabin they were in. 


"Wow, how rude. If you couldn't tell, I was sleeping. Now, if you could leave." I said, barely looking up from my pillow.

"We don't want you around Will anymore." One camper that I'm pretty sure is an Ares camper. I mean, it's just a guess, but he did have a buzz cut and was wearing full red armor with a boar's head shield. Again, it's just a guess.

"Last I checked, that's Wills's decision on when he wants me to leave." As painful as it is, Will will eventually get tired of me and my complaining and won't care when I leave. Hopefully, I can get rid of my stupid crush when that happens.

"We don't want him to be hanging around some gay f‐‐ like you!" An Aphrodite camper shouts. Then the whole group starts yelling out things like 'f----' 'c---'. I know this shouldn't hurt anymore, but... it does. It hurts a lot. Their voices start blending- getting louder and louder. Fine then. If they hate me so much and I'm such nuance for everyone, I'll leave. I get up out of my comfortable bed (to which I mentally say goodbye, as it might be the only one except for Percy to miss me). I grab my to-go bag, a few other items that I want to keep, and shadow travel away. Was it good to give them what they wanted? Of course not, but maybe it will be easier now to get Will out of my head. Leaving while we were still on good terms. 

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