Late Family Meeting | Chapter 1

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Late Family Meeting | Chapter 1

Zeus and Poseidon dragged Hades out of his house and to another 'Family Meeting', even though it was nearing 10:30 pm. Zeus and Poseidon came together in one car and Hades drove there separate, arriving a little late. They were meeting up at the same spot as every other time, which Hades wasn't a fan of, the 24 hour Strip Club.

Hades parked the car and walked inside, combing through his hair with his hand to make sure it was still in place. He waved to the lady at the desk and she pointed him in the direction of his idiot brothers. He thanked her and walked over. Zeus and Poseidon where sat in a booth in the corner, Zeus on the outside and Poseidon on the inside. Poseidon and Hades locked eyes and Poseidon began vigorously waving him over. Little did Hades know, those two had a plan.

"Hello brothers" Hades said as he sat next to Poseidon and across from Zeus at the booth.

"Stop being so formal" Zeus complained but with a smile

"How things going Hades?" Poseidon smiled

"Things are going pretty good." Hades smiled "Things haven't been very hectic at work besides the fact that I was looking for a new PA for a while but I found one so things are good"

His brothers looked shocked "A NEW personal assistant?!" Zeus asked

"Uhm..Yes? What about it?" Hades replied, forgetting that he hadn't told them what happed.

"What happened to that nymph, Minthe?!" Poseidon continued, sneering at Minthe's name, since Zeus was to dumbfounded to speak

"Oh! I guess I forgot to tell you about that... I ended up calling in an IOU from Persephone. I asked her how she ended up in tower four, she owed me a anytime, anywhere, personal question and she had never told me how she did get there. She explained to me, after a bit coaxing, that Minthe had given her false directions and told her to go there, and we all know how that turned out." He explained. "So, having enough of all of Minthe's sh*t and dealing with her new attitude towards me after breaking up with her, I fired her. I then needed a PA and, after looking through a lot of paperwork and such, I asked Persephone if she would like the position. She agreed and now she is my PA and has a full time job at the Underworld. She's been working as my PA for about a week now and says its much easier for her than the previous job I had given her."

"Wow... Well Im glad you got rid of that chick" Zeus smiled "Why don't we get some drinks?!" They all agreed, ordering round after round, after round, of craft beer, Appletini's, and Scotch.

Soon, 2 a.m. rolled around and Hades passed out, falling over with a loud thunk. He had drank his younger brother under the table, him having consumed 10 glasses of Scotch, Zeus currently on his 5th cup of Appletini, and Poseidon just having finished his 3rd bottle of craft Beer. Now their plan began to go into affect. First, the checked and made sure their older brother was okay since he did just pass out, next they fish in his pockets, looking for his phone.

"Found it!" Zeus whisper yelled as he pulled the sleek black phone from one of Hades' pant pockets. The quickly huddled in the corner and Poseidon pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. It had a small code on it, which they entered for the password.


The phone opened to the home screen. Ignoring that Hades' background was a picture of his dogs, Zeus opened the contact list and searched for a certain goddess's number. Once they found it, just for funsies, he looked through their call history. It wasn't a lot but their first call was 4+ hours long!

"Geez" Poseidon smirked as he looked at the phone "Now, we gotta get him home first!"

"Right, right! I just wanted to make sure I knew where it was." Zeus respond

Quickly, the paid for their drinks, got Hades into his car without waking him, Poseidon drove Hades' car back to the Underworld with Zeus following behind in his car. The got Hades inside his house, once again, without waking him and placed him on his bed. They quickly walked into the kitchen, after giving Cerberus a treat for bribery so he wouldn't make a fuss about them being there, and opened Hades' phone and contact list once again. It was 3:15 by the time they dialed the number. The put it on speaker phone while waiting and chucked at their plan.

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