Hades | Chapter 4

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Hades | Chapter 4

Slowly coming to consciousness, Hades' head was throbbing, it felt like someone had lit his head of fire. He slowly sat up, instantly regretting it, as his head began pounding even harder than before. He was still in his full suit, without his shoes however. He rubbed his temples and looked over to his nightstand. Not only was there the normal items but his phone, a glass of water, his bottle of pills he took for his hangovers, and two notes. He quickly grabbed the pills and took one with a sip of the now warm water, but anything helped. He grabbed the notes and began reading them...

'THEY DID WHAT?!' He thought. He let out a harsh sigh and pulled the small sticky not off the letter. It was was from Kore. He smiled at the nice little note and did as she said. He picked up his phone and immediately saw a message from Hecate. He opened it.

Hecate: Good job ya drunk ass! In all seriousness, get better or I'll smack the sh*t out of you.

He sighed and dialed Kore's number. It took a minute but soon, he could hear her soothing voice coming from the other line.

"Morning" Her voice was like music to him.

"Morning Kore. I'm sorry my brother dragged you into this-"

"We're friends and friends help each other, Hades. Now, give me one moment and I'll be there to help you" she hung up. Her words stung a bit. Friends. Just friends... They had decided to stay friends and take things slow, he agreed that it would be best... but it still hurt. He wanted to wrap her in his arms, to hold her, and just be there. They made the decision a few months prior.

Soon, he could hear faint footsteps coming down the hall, accompanied by a light knock on the door.

"You can come in" He chuckled lightly, his head no longer hurting as bad. She opened the door and shut it behind her, turning back towards him, walked over and sat down beside him. He was suddenly flustered. She was only wearing a tank top and short shorts. Her hair fell to her lower back and her lips looked soft to the touch. Why was he thinking like this?!

"Hows your head feeling? Did you take the medicine?" She asked, making him nod and smile through his flustered face. She was extremely caring and always asked him how he was doing, it made him extremely happy.

"My head is feeling much better, thank you" He lightly grabbed her hand in his.

"Like I said, I will always help you" she smiled back at him and lightly ruffled his bedhead. He took off his jacket and she placed it on the bed. It was quiet but not an awkward quiet, but a peaceful one. They smiled at each other for a few seconds before Hades suddenly felt nauseous. He quickly covered his mouth and began speed walking to the bathroom. She got the hint and ran over and opened the door for him, turning on the lights as well. He quickly shuffled in and threw up in the toilet. Persephone squatted down beside him and rubbed his back.

After vomiting for a minute or two, he sat up. Persephone got up and grabbed a paper towel and handed it to him. He wiped his mouth and gave her a smile. She helped him up and took him to the livingroom at his request. After setting him down on the couch and making sure he was comfortable, she ran back to his room. She grabbed a bucket from underneath the sink, and his phone, drink, and pills. She quickly ran back to Hades, making sure not to spill the water. She placed the cup on the table next to him along with his pills and phone, then handed him the bucket in case he needed to puke again. She did a bit of searching on Oracle and decided to ask Hades something.


"Yes, Kore?"

"Do you want anything to eat?"

"That would be wonderful, but you don't have to of course"

"It's alright. Im here to help. Now, what do you want to eat? Im not the best cook but, as long as it's simple, I can do it." She sheepishly smiled

He chuckled a bit "Just some fried eggs and a banana will do. Feel free to make yourself something to eat as well"

"Alright! Call me if you need something" she skipped off to the kitchen.

After about 15 minutes, she had 2 fried eggs and a banana for Hades, and some scrambled eggs for herself. She grabbed some utensils and brought the plate and bowl out to the livingroom. She sat down on the couch next to Hades and handed him the plate and banana, keeping her bowl of scrabbled eggs.

They ate their breakfast, occasionally looking at each other and sometimes meeting each others gaze, causing them to turn away flustered. After they finished, Persephone grabbed his plate and fork, taking them to the kitchen and placed them in the sink, lightly rinsing them off and throwing away their trash.

She walked back into the living room and sat beside Hades again.

"Is there anything you would like to do?" She asked

"Not really... OH SHIT" The realization finally hit him. He had important meetings today! "I have meetings to get to!" He quickly stood up, but Persephone walked in front of him, gripping at his shirt.

"Hades! You need to sit back down before you make yourself sick!" She pushed him back on the couch.

"Oh gods, I had an extremely important one! Oh gods, fuck! FUCK" He kept worrying and got up again, ignoring Persephone.

"HADES!" She pushed him back on the couch, again, this time falling on top of him so he couldn't get back up "Hades! Calm down!"

She finally caught his attention "How can I calm down?! I'm missing so many-"

"I did my job and moved your meetings, Hades!" She yelled, gripping his shirt in her hands. He sighed and rubbed his temples, Persephone still sitting on top of him. "Now please, stop making me worry and stay sitting before you vomit!"

"I...I'm sorry sweetness. I didn't... I didn't mean to Make you worry." He places his hands on her hips. After they agreed to take things slow, Hades stopped calling her sweetness and little goddess, and stuck with Kore or Persephone. Hearing him call her sweetness brought back something she had been trying not to feel for a while.

"Its okay. I know you didn't mean to" She sighed, getting up off Hades and brushed herself off

"Do you.. do you wanna watch a... a movie or something?" He asked, stuttering a few times.

"Sure!" She looked back at him and smiled


AH! I'm sorry! I know its been awhile but I had somethings happen recently that distracted me. Not only did one of my closest friends turn 14, but I did as well the very next month(this month actually)! I have had this ready for weeks now but I like to have one extra chapter ready before I post the one before it, so you guys weren't really waiting on chapter 4(this one) to be done, but chapter 5! 

(EX. I want Chapter 6 done before I post 5, then I'll want 7 done before I post 6, and so on)

I hope you all are doing amazing! Have a wonderful day! Don't forget to comment and vote! I would love to hear feedback! :)

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