Early Mornings | Chapter 3

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Early Mornings | Chapter 3

Persephone's eyes slowly opened as her phone violently vibrated in her back pocket. She sleepily pulled it out, turning off the alarm, and checked the time.

5:03 am, no missed calls, no messages, nothing. Good. She quickly sat up and looked down by her feet. Cerberus had found her and was now laying on top of her legs. She patted him awake and walked to Hades' room, Cerberus trailing behind. She snuck in and grabbed her bag, shutting the door behind her, and walking back to the livingroom. She sat her bag down and pulled out her, somewhat, new laptop. Hades had given her his old one since he insisted he got her one and she refused to let him by her a new one. She sat down and opened her computer, which sat on her lap. She quickly dialed Hecate's number and waited for her to pick up while she logged in and checked Hades' calendar.

"Persephone?" Hecate answered the phone "What do you need?"

"Hello Hecate! Hades won't be coming into work today, nor will I since Im looking after him" Persephone stated with a yawn at the end.

"What? Why? He's got things to do today, which Im sure you already know about" Hecate huffed "He's a grown man, why can't he come into work and why are you looking after him?"

"Well..." Persephone began, "Zeus and Poseidon dragged him out, got him really drunk which caused him to pass out, then shoved the responsibility of looking after his hungover butt on me."

"Ah, I see." Hecate sighed "I guess I understand. Lets go over what meetings I can attend for him and what meetings need to be moved"


The two spent the next two hours making separate phone calls, changing schedules, moving meetings, and so on. Eventually, everything was in order. Hecate would attend two of the meetings for Hades, the rest where moved. It was now 7:15 and Hecate had to go so she could get ready for work. Persephone finished moving the last meeting and changing the calendar a bit. Cerberus had come and sat next to her an hour prior and now had his head in her lap, receiving occasional head scratches. Soon, it was 8 am. Persephone was scrolling Fatesbook when she suddenly got a call from one of the big three.

"Ahoy-hoy!" Zeus said

"Zeus? How did you get my number?" Persephone asked.

"I stole it off of Hades' phone" She could practically hear him smirking "So... How's he doing?"

"Well, from what I know, he's not even awake yet."


"Let me go check" Persephone quickly got up, sadly having to move Cerberus, and hopped down to Hades' room. She peaked inside, the closed the door and went back to the couch "Yeah, he's still asleep. He should wake up soon, I hope."

"It might be a few more hours. He passed out at 2 am, but knowing his sleep schedule, he might wake up in two seconds." He paused "So what have you been doing? You sound like you've been awake for a while"

"I've been up for... about three hours. I had to call Hecate to let her know we wouldn't be coming in today, then we had to reschedule lots of meetings, which meant lots of long phone calls and some angry people. You know, the usual"

"Oh, that doesn't sound like fun. Well, I'll let you get back to-"

Suddenly, Persephone began getting another call

"Uhm, sorry to interrupt you Zeus but Im getting another call, could you hold for a second?"

"Of course"

Persephone checked who was calling. It was Hades!

"Okay, Zeus, Im gonna have to let you go, Hades is awake"

"No problem!"

She hung up on her conversation and answered Hades



Sorry its so short! It was a really good place to stop and last chapter was a bit longer that usual! The next chapter will be a bit longer as well!

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