The Plan | Chapter 2

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The Plan | Chapter 2

~Ring ring~ Ring ring~

Persephone woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. She looked to her clock, which said that it was 3:16, and checked to see who was calling her this late.


Why was he calling her so late? She quickly answered

"Hades?" She yawned "Its 3 am, why are you calling me? Let alone, awake?"

"Ahoy-Hoy!" A voice said from the other line. That was Zeus' phrase.

"Zeus? What?! Why are you..." she paused and yawned again "Why are you calling me at 3 and with Hades' phone?"

"And Poseidon!" Another voice, most likely Poseidon, said

"Well, you see, we have a bit of a problem and we need you to come to Hades' home" Zeus said with a sigh.

"Oh my gods... What happened" Persephone sighs

"We took Hades out for a late night drink at our favorite bar and he kinda, sorta..." Zeus paused

"Passed out from drinking so much" Poseidon finished

"We took him home and we know he'll have a massive hangover and will need help tomorrow but we have to get home. So..." Zeus continued but stopped again

"We where wondering if you could watch him since you guys are such good friends!" Poseidon finished for Zeus again. It seemed like this was a common thing between them.

"Alright... I guess I'll come over and watch over Hades. Is there anything I should know before I come over? Like, does he need certain things, should I pick up some things?"

"A few sets of clothes for you... that should be all! Hades has all the stuff he should need tomorrow but sometimes he gets nauseous and he has a tendency to throw up before reaching the toilet." Zeus explained

"Okay. If you two could write a note for him to read in the morning so he doesn't freak out when he sees me in the morning, that would be fantastic. I should arrive there in half-an-hour." Persephone explained

"Sounds great! See you then!" Zeus exclaims before hanging up. Persephone shuffles out of bed and grabs a small bag, then begins randomly grabbing shirts and shorts and pants then shoving them in the bag. She, in total, shoved three sets of clothes in her bag. She pulls out a bra, some shorts, and a plain tank top. She slips on her clothes and shoes then grabs her bag and heads to the kitchen. She grabs a piece of paper and a pen and quickly writes a note for Artemis, which reads:

Dear Artemis,

Due to Zeus and Poseidon, I must go take care of a black out drunk and now hungover Hades. I will be gone for at least a day to as long as two days. I will text you when I plan on coming home. I will be safe, and I am going to be fine. I know how you feel about him, but Hades is my friend and if he needs it, I will look out for him and see to it that he gets better. Do not worry for me or about me. Nothing bad will happen. Have a good day, or days, and do not worry. I will be back safe and sound before you know it. :)

Love,                                                                                                                 ~Persephone~

She left the note on the kitchen counter and left, making sure to lock the door behind her, beginning the trek to the Lord of the Underworlds house.

Zeus and Poseidon where so proud of their work. They quickly wrote Hades the note that Persephone had asked for. Their note read:

Whats up ya hungover asshole?! We'll tell you whats up! We got a certain cute pink goddess to look after your hungover ass! Thats right! Don't worry, we didn't do or say anything to stupid. We just asked her to come watch and help you and she agreed. We hope you two have some fun! Just try not to hurt Persephone or make her unable to walk or sit down if ya know what we mean ;) Have fun!

-Your dope As fuck brothers, Zeus and Poseidon

They left the note and wandered over to the livingroom where they proceeded to chat for a while till they got a call from Hades' phone.

Persephone stood outside the large gates and dialed Hades' number, hoping Zeus or Poseidon would pick up.

"Ahoy-Hoy!" Zeus bellowed from the other line

"Zeus, could you please quiet down a bit, you're hurting my ears" Persephone sighed. "Im outside the gates, but they're locked and it feels wrong to just fly over them, could someone unlock them?"

"Uh.. sure! Give us one second" Zeus muttered. After a few seconds, the gate clicked and the gate swung open. Persephone quickly walked inside

"Alright. Im inside, thanks" she said. The gate swung shut as she continued walking up the driveway

"Good! The front door is unlocked so you can just come in. We'll meet you in the kitchen" Poseidon said and then hung-up.

She quickened her pace. Once at the door, she slowly turned the handle, and sure enough, it was unlocked. She slowly peaked into the hall and closed the door behind her. She tightened her grip on her bag and quickly made her way to the kitchen. The closer she got, mumbles slowly became audible. She peered around the doorway and into the large kitchen where two gods stood talking. She walked in, slowly and carefully, even yawning on the way.

"Hello Zeus and..." she paused and yawned again "and Poseidon" she finished

"Morning sleepyhead!" Poseidon seemed extra cheery

"Thanks for watching our brother. He can be a handful sometimes and can get fiery when drunk so you may wanna be careful so you don't wake him" Zeus said, a wide and cocky grin plastered on his face

"Isn't he older than both of you?" She asked.

"Yep! He's our older bro!" Poseidon laughed

"Speaking of him, where is he?" Persephone asked

"He's asleep in his room and heres the note you asked for" Zeus explained and handed her the letter they wrote as well as Hades' phone. With that, Zeus and Poseidon thanked her again for helping and watching Hades, said their goodbyes and left. Persephone quickly but quietly made her way to Hades' bedroom. She poked her head inside the door to find a passed out Hades laying on his stomach, shoes and everything still on, he was even drooling a bit. She sighed. They really didn't know how to take care of their own older brother, did they? She quietly placed her bag by the chair in the corner and placed the note and phone on the nightstand, not bothering to read the note. She grabbed a sticky note from her bag and wrote a quick message, then stuck it to the other note. It read:

When you wake up, call me if Im not already in the room already!              ~Kore :)

Persephone debated if she should take off Hades' shoes and jacket so he would be more comfortable. She decided to take off his shoes but leave the jacket since it would be harder to get. She quickly untied the laces and slipped his shoes off, placing them at the foot of the bed. She slipped out of the room and went back to the kitchen, grabbing a cup and filling it with some water, the looked through a cabinet with a not from Zeus that said something about this being the cabinet Hades kept his medication in. She grabbed out a bottle with another sticky note from Zeus. "Set this by his bed so he can take one in the morning". She brought it, and the water, back to his room and placed it on the night stand. She walked into the livingroom and laid down on the couch, sighing. 

'Might as well get some sleep... but first' she thought and grabbed her phone. She set a quiet alarm to wake her up at 5 am so she would, hopefully, be awake before Hades. She needed to contact Hecate in the morning and rearrange or reschedule Hades' meetings for that day. And with the tiresome plans for tomorrow morning creeping in, she fell asleep.

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