Chapter 3. "Your uncle Devin and I thought that it would be a good decision...

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Chapter 3. "Your uncle Devin and I thought that it would be a good decision to let you marry Kayyen." I swallowed the cake...

Yen Leslie's

   After that room incident that I sooner found out that they, I mean Yasser and Kayyen are going to have their usual sleep night. That explains him being there half naked.

   We are currently eating dinner with so much food and I've been stuffing my mouth with every dish. When dessert is served my father cleared his throat that cause everyone to listen to whatever he will say, but I just ate my slice of chocolate cake.

"Leslie, I'm aware that you're still at the age where you want to play and have fun, but." I stopped munching the chocolate cake that is in my mouth and looked at my father.

"Your uncle Devin and I thought that it would be a good decision to let you marry Kayyen." I swallowed the cake and looked at my father then to uncle Devin then to my mom then to Kayyen who have his straight face.

"But, Dad I'm just eighteen. I too young for marriage and you know that I want to finish my studies first then build my own business, own house and my own family with someone I choose to someone I love." I'm petrified right now. I don't want to get married to someone who is older than me and I truly don't like him. I mean just look at him with his emotionless face, stoic features and his devilish attitude. I don't want to.

  I looked at my brother Yexel, asking for his help because his the only brother I know that is on my side. But I was wrong, he's wearing a sorry face with a shrug.

"We know dear, but after you get married you could still go to college and finish your studies and build your own business. Kayyen's home will be your home and you can build your own family with Kayyen." my mom smiled at me as soon as she finished saying it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I don't like it. I don't like him." I was about to stand when Kayyen spoke which stabbed me like a sharp dagger.

"You may think that I like the idea of us getting married but you're wrong. I hate everything as much as you hate it and I hate you for making me look like I don't have a say in this, that you take me as a fool and spat things without thinking of what your father and my father decided. You just proved me that all woman are the same, oh wait, let me rephase that because you're not a woman. You are just a girl playing innocence.-"

"Kayyen, enough." Uncle Devin cutted Kayyen with his voice full of anger.

  I didn't even notice the tears that flowed down my teary eyes.

"Give them time, it was so sudden. Leslie, could you go up to your room?" I looked at my mother and I harshly wipe the tears as I glare at Kayyen that is wearing no emotions at all. His a total jerk. I hate him.

   I ran upstairs and locked myself at my room. I don't want to talk to any of them right now. I opened my laptop and watch the anime that makes me smile, 'One Piece'.

   After watching for a total hours of 2 or 3, my phone pinged and a message from Bryan was received.

   I looked at the time and it was 11:07 p.m already. What does this guy wants in the middle of the night? I red the message he sent.

*Message from Bryan
:Are you asleep?

  Seriously, he messaged me just to know if I was sleeping or not. I replied a yes and I went back to watching One Piece which Luffy is currently fighting the two woman that is half human, half snake. Then my phone pinged again.

*Message from Bryan
:If you are asleep, how did you reply?

   I groaned in annoyance and sended him a meh emoji.

*Message from Byan
:Ok, I get it, I'll see you at school. Good night.

  Finally, then I turned off my phone. I went back to watching and the scene where Hankook fell inlove with Luffy made me laugh loudly, because Luffy is numb at the feeling of love and just ate till his stomach contentment.

   After a two more episodes, I paused it and went down to the kitchen to look for ice cream.

  By the time I reached the fridge, I took out a galon of rocky road ice cream. But the things I heard broke my heart.

"Son, I know that Leslie is the best decision I made for you. She's different and you already saw it too, did you? She has goals and dreams and she will help you." uncle Devin is talking to Kayyen with such sincerity.

"I know, father. But I'm afraid, I'm afraid to love." Kayyen had his head down.

"Don't be son, she will love you and you will love her with all your heart." uncle Devin was saying it confidently then he pat his son's shoulders and bid goodnight.

   I really don't know what to say, the truth is I like Kayyen. I like him too much but I still have my dreams that I want to reach with all my hard work.

  He still standing by the window and the only light was from the radiant moon that illuminates the room. I don't know what has gotten into me and I went near him leaving the ice cream at the kitchen counter. I pat him gently at his back and he looked at me with his sad eyes.

"I'm really sorry about what I said at dinner. I was just shocked and I'm not ready for any commitments. And you know, I'm still eighteen." I smiled at him warmly.

"I know, I'm sorry too about the words I said and sorry that I made you cry." he smiled weakly.

  I'm surprised we are having a deep conversation. Maybe the news just shocked both of us and it added fuel to the fire.

"You should sleep, you had travelled far and I know that is what you need. Rest." I told him and he just smiled at me and nodded.

   He went upstairs and I returned to where I left my ice cream. I ate a half of it while watching then when I felt sleepy, I went to freshen up and brush my teeth.

   I changed to my comfortable sleeping gowns and went to sleep comfortably. This day is great. It's greater that any other days. Then sleep took over me.


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