P1; Chapter Five; Aneka

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I didn't get it. Since when did Rin, of all the people in the world, transfer here? And Valt acted like they were old buddies. It couldn't have been too long... I had only been gone a week, so she hadn't been here long. And then she showed up again. When she had joked with Valt, she was like a completely different person altogether. She was nothing like the snarky and sarcastic and mean Rin that I had gotten used to. Maybe she's changed. I shook my head. someone couldn't just change like that, especially in such a short amount of time. She was probably just faking it. Or the snarky sarcastic and mean Rin I was used too could just be a mask. I knew how to don a mask, real or figurative. I had used plenty of them. Maybe the Rin I saw with Valt was the real Rin...

Rin was back on the roof again.

"Alright, Valt, let's do this!" She said and smiled. It was the exact opposite of the snarky smile that Rin always showed to me. It was smaller and shyer, and it was more genuine. "Meet Harmonius Sana! In Latin, Sana means sound, so it really means Harmonious Sound." She said, holding hers up. It had three blades. The first blade was the thickest, the second in the middle, and the third the smallest. I was overall impressive, as much as I hated to admit it.

"That's cool. But  Valtryek and I are going to win!" Valt said, holding up his own bey.

"3! 2! 1! Let it... rip! " We all yelled. Rin's bay landed gracefully and sped around the stadium almost soundlessly.

"Harmonious! You know the drill! Let's do this!" Rin yelled, her eyes darting around the stadium. Her face was fixed in an expression I knew all too well. She was going to pull something, and by the looks of it, something big. Harmonious swished across the stadium, steadily gaining speed.

"What? It's getting faster?!" Valt exclaimed. Rin smiled. It was the smile of someone who already knew that they'd won. Before I could yell for Valt to be careful, Harmonius hit Valtryek and it burst. "What?" Valt asked, stunned.

"Harmonious Sana with a burst finish! Rin is the winner!" Rantaro said, his fan pointing to Rin's side. She picked up her bey and pocketed it.

"That was a great battle Valt!" She said, and the funny thing was, she didn't say it sarcastically. She said it sincerely. Stooping, she picked up Valtryeks pieces and put them back together, then held it out to Valt. "That was a lot of fun." She turned and started walking.

"You're next, so get ready." She muttered to me as she passed me, just loud enough for only me to hear.

"Sounds fun," I muttered back. She smirked the normal smirk that was full of mocking.

"Thanks again Valt for letting me join! I'll see you tomorrow!" She called.

"Uh, you do know that tomorrow is Saturday, right?" Rantaro asked.

"Yeah, but I promised Mrs. Aoi that I'd help in the bakery. So I'll see you tomorrow, Valt!" She jogged off the roof. Ugh. She just had to show me up.

"Hey, Valt, do you think your mom could use some more help?" I asked, turning to him.

"Uh, I guess... I mean, you'll have to ask her, but I don't think she'll mind the extra help..."

"Great! Thanks, Valt!" I hurried off of the roof. Rin was not going to show me up. Not today. I grabbed my bike and pedaled as fast as I could, and spotted Rin with her backpack walking away. I caught up to her easily. "Get on," I said and tossed her a helmet. She looked up, surprised.

"You're going home, right? Well, I can take you there. You'll need that beauty rest of yours so that you can compete against me at the bakery tomorrow. "

"Pffft. It's gonna be you that needs the rest. I heard you were sick all week. You might not want to come, for fear of sneezing all of the merchandise."

"Minor fever. That's all it was." I snapped. "Are you coming or not?" She pulled on the helmet and climbed on to the back of the bike.

"Let's go, mule." she mocked.

"I, am not, your mule!" I growled and pedaled as hard as I could, and we were soon cruising through the city.

"Turn left here," Rin said. It wasn't long before we got to her house. It was more of an apartment, with just enough room for two people. "I'll race you to the bakery tomorrow. No bikes. Meet you at the riverbed, 8 thirty sharp."

"Got it," I said and pedaled off. This was going to be fun.

Bayblade FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora