P1; Chapter Ten; Aneka

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I listened as Rin explained the whole music thing to Shu. We waited for his reaction when she finished.

"I mean, it makes sense." He said finally after a long pause. "You listen to music a lot, and you missed your brother so much that it was only natural to hear his voice." 

"I guess. It just never occurred to me. " Rin said. 

"Hey, guys!" I heard. I looked up to see Fubuki up ahead, a little girl on his shoulders. She had blond hair like his, but bright blue eyes. She was grinning. 

"Hey, Fubuki. What are you doing here?" I asked. "We just saw you." 

"I'm taking care of my niece for my aunt for a few weeks. She's going on a business trip, and we don't have any other aunts or uncles to take care of her, so she asked me. I agreed, and I promised that I'd watch over her. " 

"That's cool. Join us?" I asked. 

"That sounds fun." I glanced at Rin. She was looking down and she was blushing. She was probably remembering the hug she gave him earlier. I smiled and shook my head. She just had the sense to be embarrassed about it?  She made no sense sometimes. Fubuki lifted his niece off of his shoulders and set her on the ground. She tottered over to Rin. Rin picked her up and set her on her hip. 

"Hi. My name is Rin. What's yours?" She asked. 

"Lili." The little girl said. 

"That's a pretty name. How about a piggyback ride?" She asked. Lili nodded. Rin shifted so that Lili was on her back, her little arms circling her neck. "Get ready for blast off Lili! Three, two, one! Let's go!" She said and began running around. Lili giggled. When Rin stopped, Lili spoke. 


"Ok, but you have to hold on tight, ok?" Rin said. They did several more rounds of this, always staying within Fubuki's sight. We walked on, watching Rin and Lili with amused smiles. After the fifth time of 'blasting off,' Rin came back, completely out of breath. "Ok, Lili, I'm tired. How about we take a little break?" 

"No!" She said. "No, no no!" She yelled from the ground flailing her fists and throwing a tantrum. Shu crouched down. 

"Do you want a piggyback right, Lili?" He asked. Lili stopped throwing a tantrum. What? Since when did Shu give piggyback rides? She nodded, tears still gathered in her eyes. He put her up onto his back. 

"Three, two, one! Blast off!" Both Lili and Shu yelled. Shu began running around with Lili on his back. She giggled, causing Shu's face to break into a smile as well. I myself was grinning. 

I looked around. There was an empty sandbox nearby, and several trees surrounding us. Something about this was vaguely familiar...

"Wait," I called. Rin and Fubuki stopped and looked at me. 

"What's wrong?" Rin asked.  Something about this place called something from me, a memory that I had long since forgotten. It was hazy, but I could still remember a few words. 

"Aneka, if anything happens to us, you need to come here. You'll know when, and why, soon enough." I couldn't remember anything else. I turned in a circle and my gaze snagged on a tree. I got down on my hands and knees and began looking. 

"There must be something here... they said that there was..." 

"Who said what was here?" 

"I think that my mom told me something, right before she died. Something about coming here if something happened to them. They must have hidden something, anything..." I trailed off. I looked in the tree branches. Sighing, I sat down. Nothing. "Maybe it was just a dream..." I said, but then something glinted by the tree roots. I began digging. Sure enough, after several minutes of digging, I uncovered a capsule that was about the length from my fingertips to halfway up my forearm. 

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