P1; Chapter Six; Shu

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What was that about? Aneka obviously Knew Rin somehow, but how? She had never mentioned Rin. The way they acted... It was like they were old rivals or something. Maybe they were. But, of course, before I could ask, Aneka left. At least I knew where she would be tomorrow. Maybe I would also help out at the bakery, just to keep an eye on things. I shook my head and focused on Spryzen. My left-handed launch was going great, but it still wasn't enough. To beat Lui, I had to have it down. I had to have my left-handed launch down well enough that I could do it with my eyes closed.

"Let it...rip!" I spent the rest of the day practicing.

The next morning, I was hauling a box from the kitchen outside to the van when a voice yelled something. I look up. Rin and Aneka were running, shoulder to shoulder, both trying to get a lead, dust kicked up in their wake.

"Watch out!" Aneka yelled, but she was already to close. They crashed into me. I lost my balance and the box flew up into the air. I jumped to my feet and managed to catch it and to catch the pieces of bread that had flown out, even catching one in my mouth. I put down the box and pulled the piece of bread from my mouth.

"Yum. As good as ever, Mrs. Aoi." I said. Mrs. Aoi who had come out to see what the commotion was about, blinked and thanked me.

"Ouch," Aneka grumbled, rubbing her back. "That's gonna leave a mark."

"Serves you right. You nearly cost Mrs. Aoi all of her baking!" I said but offered a hand to both of them. They both took it.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm sorry, but who won?" Aneka asked, looking at me eagerly. I shook my head.

"I couldn't tell, but I would say that I was the winner since I saved the bread," I said.  Valt walked out, rubbing his eyes. He looked like he had just woken up.

"What? Rin, Aneka, Shu? what are you doing here?"

"We came here to help, silly," Rin said, moving forward and ruffling his hair. "So, boss, what can we do?" She asked Mrs. Aoi.

"Oh, well, I still have several loaves that I need to bake, then we need to deliver them to the houses..." But Rin and Aneka were already inside. She smiled and shook her head. "Do you have any idea what this is about?" She asked, turning to me.

"Not a clue. But it's fun to watch." I said and smiled.

"Ok Valt, its time for your super secret special training!" She said, turning to Valt. Valt perked up.

"Yes!" He said. Super secret special training?

"Ok, Valt, for your first task, you're going to need all your arm strength. This will build your launch power and precision. Now, go!" Valt got on his knees and began pulling out weeds, yelling 'launch!' every time he did it. I chuckled and shook my head. Leave it to Mrs. Aoi turning chores into something that Valt would be excited about. I walked into the kitchen and stopped short. Aneka and Rin were both covered in flour. There was a bag spilling out onto the floor and the flour covered the chairs and tables. I sighed and left to get the broom. I handed the broom to Aneka and the dustpan to Rin.

"Get cleaning." Aneka stuck her tongue out at me. I sighed and turned to the bread that they were supposed to be kneading. I pulled on some gloves and grabbed the dough and started kneading with expert fingers. I had helped out at Valts for so long that my fingers just took over, and my thoughts were free to wander elsewhere. What was between Aneka and Rin? It was odd. One moment they were mocking each other, the other they were playing with flour. I shook my head. Girls. They never made sense.

"Um, earth to Shu! Are you planning to knead that bread into heaven?" I blinked. I hadn't even noticed that I was still kneading dough.

"More like he's planning to knead it into the oven," Rin said. They had finished cleaning the kitchen. How long had I zoned out? I stopped kneading and looked down. Indeed, I had been kneading the dough for quite a while. Well, at least it would be a good loaf of bread.

The rest of the morning went by quickly. After we finished helping out at the bakery, Mrs. Aoi took us to the park. I sat down underneath the tree and watch Valt chase Nika and Togo around. Rin sat down next to me.

"Valt is a fun guy," she said.

"Yeah." I agreed. I felt an arm on my head. I didn't have to turn to know that it was Aneka leaning against me.

"You know, Shu, we should invite them over for dinner." She said, still leaning against me. I sighed.

"That's a lot of food. You have no idea how much Valt eats."

"Um, excuse me? I've lived with you for all your life, so I most definitely know. Anyway, could you excuse Rin and me? Go talk to Mrs. Aoi or something." She said, her tone saying that she wouldn't take a no for an answer. I sighed again. I wonder what that was about.

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