Part 4

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Later that day

I was extra bored then I've ever been. What if I actually called him back, and made things right between us? That would make me feel so dumb. I really don't want to hate anybody.

I started to call him.

While I was waiting for him to answer, I had a weird feeling in my stomach again. 

He finally picked up the damn phone while I called him 2 times. I should've stopped by the first time.

Anyways, he picked up the phone and this is how it went:

Milo: "hey- sorry I didn't answer your calls. I was busy doing something"

Y/n: "yeah no shit, you wanted me to call you, but you don't answer? Already making me regret calling you"

Milo: "look I'm sorry! Jeez take a chill pill— so... did u make up ur mind?"

Y/n: "about what?"

I was just playing dumb, I knew what he was talking about.

Milo: "well, about putting all this mess behind us and starting over"

Y/n: "aren't you really busy with all that hacking stuff? Even if we did start over you still wouldn't have time for me"

Milo: "I promise you I will have time for you, just give me a chance please"

Y/n: "I'm not that easy to get. If you want me then you really have to show me. I can forgive you but I won't forget what you did, you understand?"

Milo: "Yes, yes I really do understand. I will earn back ur trust. I promise".

I hung up the call.

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