Part 5

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4:30 a.m.

I woke up from a bad dream when I heard something coming outside of my window.

I sat up and went crawling so whoever it was couldn't see me.

It was Milo with a jet black hoodie on, standing there.

I puffed, opened the window, and went to turn on the light

I stood there in silence waiting for what Milo had to say, being here at my house at 4 in the morning.

"Hey can I stay here for a little while? I kinda got in a fight with my mom" he says

I studied his face, then answered "I mean why are y'all fighting at 4 am?"

He pushed back his curly hair, then said "it's the time my mom comes back from work, she saw that I had... drugs".

Why would he be doing drugs? If anything I wouldn't want to be with someone who does that.

I told him he can stay in my living room, my parents don't go in there in the morning anyways.

"Omg thank you y/n. You're the only one who actually opened, out of everyone I went to"

I giggled a little without him hearing, "how many houses did you go to anyways" I said

"You wouldn't want to know😹"

I took him to the living room while saying "I wanna know, but anyways this is the living room, stay here how long as you want, I guess. but please don't bother me, or spy on me".

"Why would I spy on you? I'm not a creep" he says while laughing

"Yeah yeah, whatever— I'm going to my room now"

30 minutes later

I went to the living room to check if he was still there. I see him laying on my couch, munching on my favorite snack, while watching tv.

Oh hell nah.

I went up to him and said "wow wow wow, shall we look at that.. you made yourself a home didn't you"

"Oh I'm sorry— I didn't know these were yours" he handed me the snacks

"No, you can keep them, they are half way done anyways. I wouldn't want to keep you starving" I told him

I sat down next to him, well cause, why not.

We stayed there watching tv until it was his time to go.

"Thank you for letting me stay y/n. I really am going to make it up to you". 

I switched the channel while I told him "no it's fine, as long as you stay away from drugs, then it shall all be fine".

"It's really hard to not stay away from them, but for you, I'm going to try my best to do so," he said.

xoxo, anonymous.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora