Part 8

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We entered his house. When you enter, it goes straight to the living room. His house was pretty usual.

By the looks of it, there was no one home. Just us.

"Follow me," Milo says to me.

He takes me to the nearest bathroom. It was a decent size. "I'll wait for you out here" and so he closes the door.

I was freaking out. I didn't know what to do. I didn't even need to pee. I took a sip of my water that I had brought with me. Finally after about 6 minutes I had to go pee.

I peed on the pregnancy test and sat it on the counter. I had to look away. It said you needed to wait 5 minutes until it shows the results. I went outside and Milo was standing there. He thought I had already gotten the results back.

"Let's wait together" I said.

Milo says, "Alright, come sit over here".

We sat on his couch and waited for the results.

5 minutes past, we both faced each-other.

Milo said to me, "are you ready?" 

I said to him, "Yes".

We looked at the test and it said NEGATIVE.

Tears filled up our eyes.

"Milo I'm not pregnant!"

"You're not pregnant baby". He gives me a hug.

That's the first time he's ever called me baby.

Milo's phone rang the second he got up.

Once he was done with the call, he said he needed to go.

"Y/n, ima need to go because something happened".

"What happened?" I said to him

"They caught one of my co-workers from Anonymous".

xoxo, anonymous.Where stories live. Discover now