Chapter 1

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edit: started writing a sequel - check it out! it's still in progress and a bit different from this one but... i still think it's worth looking at :) _______________________________

Chapter 1

You wake up and u hear your mum yelling from downstairs.

'ugh shes probably drunk again' you think to yourself as you go down but no, shes on crack.

'hi honey I ran out of money for drugs again so I had to selel some stuff. Your new owners are waiting ath te door. And then she passed out

You walk to the door and there in front of you stands the most sexiest guy you've ever seen.

'Hi. Im 4'

You don't know what to say. Theres never been such an important moment in your life before this.

You fall to your feet, overhwlemed. He picks you up with his notarms and you ask what to call them


The blunt answer confuses you but you quickly fall asleep, comforted by his fuzzy appendages.


The next day you wake up again but this time youre in a new room. Its better than your old room. You have a bed npw. Even better, the bed is big and when you look over you see the blue body of your new cant tell if he has abs byt you assume he probably does because 4 is so cool

He hears you moving in bed and then wakes up. Maybe hw was already awake.

'you know I think ur name seems familiar'

'yeah I used to be divergent haha'

Youre so shook that you cant relax and so you go get some tacos for breakfast

When you go down the ladder you see more furry bodies at the breakfast table and theres a group of numbers eacting bacon.

'tacos are not for breakfast' says 1

You hold in a laugh at his stumpy body.

'haha you look dumb. Like a branchless tree'

Number 4 comes up behind you and puts a blindfold on you and pulls you away

'don't be mean to the others'

'what I thought they didn't own me'

'yeah but you have to live with them

'aw heck'


Later that afternoon 4 takes you out for a walk, and you happily wlk along beside him

He takes you past your old house and you start to cry

'I miss my broken candle. My mum used to drop it all the time'

'its ok y/n ill get u a new one

You walk into kmart and he buys you a candle but when hes paying you see a bigspoono ver across the aisle

You go to take a looksee and it's a massive spoon but he scoops you up ilke a warm egg and ur flung across to a guy

'im the numbertaker and im holding u to ransom'

'no please my owner number 4 will come looking for me'

'haha that's whatu think but my beans will keep hij away'

You start crying and then you drop your Samsung galaxy j1 minii and it smashes but you odnt cry because it still workd

The tinted windows of the kmart shatter as 4 shouts but youre already flying in the clammy hads of your kidnapper

'its ok youll learn to love me'

'never I only like 4' and you realie you love ur owner

Uwu whats that you think? No way. But you cant think for long until you cry yourself to sleep over your broken phone


You have a weird dream about candles  and candles made of beans.

4 and y/nDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora