Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

While youre swinging, adam from sm6 band is explaining what he heard whilehe was being hekd hostage by ur mum.

'despite my short but strong fingers I couldn't get out'


You cant stop thinking about his fingers. Why so short. You nearly fall off the swing

'so anyways, wait are you listening?'

'yeah whatever but explain it again thanks'

'um okay well apparently 1 was there whoever that is and is actually in cahoots with the numbertaker'

This is a massive revelation. Woah. You actually fall off the swing and your broken leg mends itself as the bones snap into place again.

'oh thank goodness my bones are ok again'

'wait was your leg broken'

'haha yeah'

'wow I cant believe how strong u must be then' hes clearly simpig but you know you have to stay loyal to your owner, 4, even thouh nothings happened there because hes dead now

Wait. Hes dead!!!! So whos your owner now, well,, 4 was never really you own,er just your saviour so youre still owned by the numbertaker. Frucj that.

'I have nowhere to go' you start crying and adam comes off his swing to go comfort you because youre crying.

'why don't u come back to my place you can meet my siblims and we can figure oyt a plan im sre George will have something sensible to say. Hes a firefighter

'okay sounds good but'

Before you can finish your sentence adam picks u up and sprints to his house but he lives a little far off so youd expect him to slow down, but he just hips in a tricycle that's apparently his and cycles the rest of the way while you hold onto his back


You arrive at the sm6 band house and you follow adam inside

Bartholomew opens the door

'hi adam whos that'

'this is y/n shes staying with us for awhile'

'hi y/n im jack'

You jump over him and go into the house while adam leads the way

'so while youre here why don't you come to school with me'


'well u still gotta go to school lol its Monday tomorrow and I can protect you hehe'

'yeah ok sure but I don't have any clothes or school stuff with me because my mum sold it all so that she could get money for her crack addiction'

Adam looks at you with a look of sorrow and sadness

'its okay why don't we go talk to George and Isabel and see what we can do?'

'yeha ok that sounds good'

You and adam walk around the ohuse and find George and Isabel and adam quickly explains the situation and they quickly agree that an emergency shopping trip is in order


George tells u all to wait outside while he gets the car and he rolls around to thr front of the house in a fire truck because he is actuallu a firefighter. You need to keep focused on 4 and not simp for adam or, apparentlu, George.

You all pile into the truck but Isabel decides to stay behind in order to make sure emilu doesn't burn the house down lol

Adam offers to help you up and after you climb into the front seat adam follows so youre sitting between adam and George

Once you get to the shops you split up, while you go get clothes, adam gets some books and stationary for school and George goes to supposedly get some snacks.

You meet up with adam and go looking for George and you walk around for awhile before you bump into him

'oh hi guys! Lets go sit down I have something to share'

You look at adam curiously but he just shrugs ad looks confused

You sit down

'okay so y/n close your eyes'

You shit your eyes

'okay y/n open them'

You open them and see a box in front of you wrapped up in sparkly wrapping. Quickly tearing the paper off, you realise it's a new phone

'omg!!!!!11!!!!!1!! a new Samsung galaxy j1 mini!!! Thank you so much George this is incredible'

You jump out of your chair and before you can remind yourself about 4 you run over and give him a hug and he nearly falls over but he doesn't because hes a firefighter

'haha no worries I thought you might need a replacement since your current one s so damages and duct taped you wouldn't have been able to fit it in your pocket for school. I also went to some office and said you had a change of address so now youll be going to the same school as adam instead of your local one lol even though its not that far I think youll be safer at a new place, the numbertaker wont know that youre at school or at a new school now'

You hold back tears of gratitude and happiness

'thankyou so much George omg youre so kind' and you guve him another hug but this time he picks you up and you and George and adam head back to the fire trucj to go home

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