Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

You sit down in the choir room and turn to the girl next to you, who you don't know but she seems tired.

'Hi! Whats going on? I haven't seen you at choir before have i?'

She turns to you 'no I just joined today my name is liky'

'ummm okay liky so whats going on then?'

'not sure something about auditions. I might leave and go home – gotta do some mafs.'

She abruptly stands up and leaves the room, dropping a bibble sticker as she retreats. You pick it up and remind yourself to return it to her the next time you see her.

'Anyways – y/n? are you listening? Youre up next to audition.'

The choir teacher and everyone in the choir is staring at you.

'umm it was optinal right? I pass'

The choir teacher looks disappointingly at you but call up the next kid

'Mali? Are you here? Are you going to audition?'

The room is silent but suddenly the doors burst open and a girl runs into the room, tears streaming down her face and falling on the floor like super round mushrooms.

'Im here.'

The girl – mali, you assume – goes up to the front and thrusts some sheet music into the hands of a kid sitting near the piano.

'hey mike harris do me a favour and hekp okay? Okay thanks'

She wipes the tears off her face as the bewildered mike harris stumbles to the piano, muttering 'I do not consent' and 'no please leave me out of this' and 'I just wanted to play sum jazzz' but he sits down and starts to play the introduction to On My Own from les mis.

As mali sings on my own everyone in the room is brought to tears and even mike harris on the piano who didn't want to be involved has a tear in his eye.

As she's singing you notice something weird about the lyrics. Was it always 'pretending adams beside me?' did eponine really sing 'adam and me forever and forever'? wasn't the dudes name marius? Didn't she not even say his name?

You cant tell if that's her singing those words or your head preoccupied with thoughts about adam, and you have nobody to ask except maybe mike because everyone around you is sobbing they are so moved by the rendition.

As mali finishes the song, the doors slam open. It's a gunman, and he's pointing a gun at adams head. Mike stops playing the piano and runs to the back corner of the choir room, and nearly slams into you.

'Hey mike was she saying adam in the song??? I couldn't tell if I was imagining that or not'

'yeah I think she was but idk the words? Im gonna go hide behind this piano over here and btw heard about you and adam'

What??? You look around and everyone that's hiding behind the people staring in shock at the gunman and adam are looking at a video posted by mali. Its you and adam from before rehearsal, and you hear that spicy music girl from your class gossiping about it. Ugh.

The gunman shouts, and he sounds a lot like someone you know 'Either y/n comes with me or we shoot adam! Maybe we shoot him anyways!! '

'NOOO' you look over and mali has thrown herself onto adam and knocked the gunmans gun out of his hand. The choir teacher tries to grab the gun before it hits the ground and as he grabs it he... accidentally shoots mali!!! What?

She falls to the ground and with some difficulty yells at mike harris to turn to the next page in the bundle of sheet music and he scrambles to the piano, still muttering that he doesn't want to.

As mali is singing a little fall of rain you try to get to the gunman to unmask him, but you get distracted by adam. Who knew he could sing? No! focus! you tell yourself and you get to the gunman and as mali takes her last breaths as adam awkwardly holds her you rip the mask of the gunmans face.

'One????? I knew I recognised that voice! Nice to see ya, stumps' you mock

Enraged he pulls out his backup gun and shoots adam who falls to the ground on top of mali. Everyone runs screaming out of the choir room except for mike who is trying to drag mali out and take her to the nurses office

'mike what are you doing? They'll only give her an ice pack u know'

'oh heck youre right well good luck' he says as he drops mali and three and a half of her bones break in her dead body. You cringe but you cant stop now – one is dragging adam out the window and the numbertaker is waiting outside! Hes in a helicopter! And so one and the numbertaker take adam away, and you're left with a dead girl who can sing eponines parts really well in the middle of the choir room.

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