Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Its your first day of school and youre nervous for what the day will be like.

'don't worry y/n ill take you to the principals office before school so you can fill in what subjects youre doing and sort out your timetable'

You follow adam and also Emily and Eliana into the schools main building and Emily quickly sprints away to go talk to her friends. Eliana turns to you and wishes you good luck on your first day, and then walks off to her locker.

You turn to adam 'so, where do I need to go?'

'keep going down this hallway, youll find the office on your left' he looks at you to make sure you got it 'I have to go hand in some homework – but ill meet you out front after school, im not sure that we will have lunch at the same time depending on your classes. Good luck!!!'

He disappears into the crowd and you make your way down the hall to the office.

'Hello?' you look into the office and the receptionist waves you in

'I suppose youre y/n?'

'yeah that's me, just need to sort out my timetable and classes and whatnot'

'sure thing, so what classes were you taking at your old school?'

'Um, obviously English, music, history, biology, and maths'

The receptionist enters your subjects into the computer and prints off your timetable

'here you go, you have lunch at midday'

You remember that adam has lunch the period after that, and you hide your sadness as you tjank her and take the timetable and head off in search of your first class of the day – music.

The music block is super easy to find, and you head inside to see a group of kids your age standing around.

'ummm, hi? Im looking for room 4?'

'yeah its here, are you new? We have class here now'

'yep im new haha, whats your names?'

'we're bob, shari, and x ash, its nice to meet you'

'who's that?'

'the girl over there is ara, shes the best in class but the teacher hates her'

'aw heck'

The teacher calls you in

'hi im mr marnie we are going to be copying notes today'


The rest of your morning classes (which is actually just maths where you have a quick nap) passes uneventfully and you show up to lunch

The playground is full of kids and you don't know where to go – you cant spot Eliana or even Emily so you decide you may as well talk to the one person you can see whose name you know – shari and bob. X ash seems to be not with them.

'hi do you mind if I sit here?'

'yeah its fine whatever'

You sit down and take out your lunch and start eating

From behind you though, you can hear a lively discussion going on and every second you get more and more concerned for the sanity of the students at this new school and you recognise the music kid ara s voice in amongst the group

'tea time guys my mums making me watch celebrity gogglebox'

'that sounds dumb but you know whats dumber? Some of the bonus points you can get'

'youre kidding me'

'well they wont get points if theyre dead'

'btw who's going tomorrow? Im gonna shoot myself if they go'

'wait what the heck youre going to something with a serial killer? Ok'

'no I need tea Im not getting on gogglebox'

'idk maybe I can wear my boots'

'boots like boots'


'the monkey'

'frick dora was a trip'

'piss monkey piss monkey'

'guys where do I buy pirate ships'

'idk in the sea??'

'I don't see haha like my pun?'

'its awful'

'you haven't heard it tho'

'yeah but piss monkey'

'that's me when I hear someone say bob – I am the monkey'

'bob?? I am literally pissing myself with laughter that's so funny'

'the pun?'

'no frick you the pun is piss from the piss monkey bob is the funny'

'guys I want to make it clear im not the fish lover in this group'


'im not the fish lover'

'no not that'

'judas x jesus: enemies to lovers'

'wheres the fic? I need it'

'idk maybe they can read it to us in religion class though'

'yes please burn my eyes'



You cannot believe what youre hearing. How do they have such few braincells???


You finish eating your sandwich, and the bell rings and calls you to class. You walk off towards your next class – English, your favourite – but even English class cant make you want school to end faster.

As soon as the final bell rings, you dash towards the front door where adam promised he'd meet you after school, and to your relief he's there, and so is Eliana.

'hi guys'

'hey y/n how was school?'

'lol pretty yikes tbh, the kids here seem to be real yikes u know'

'haha yeah some of the kids its like ????? but mostly its alright'

'well im glad that the day is over – I only spoke to like three other kids from my music class, and they only told me to be wary of some other kids sooooo'

Adam grins and takes your hand 'dw ill be sure to find you every day after school, and idk, I think I have a free tomorrow in your lunch period, so ill come down and I can have lunch w you, I don't have any friends in my free'

Emily walks up and past you all, only nodding hello at adam before continuing to text someone on her phone

Still holding your hand, adam and Eliana move to follow Emily down the street, where you all pile into georges firetruck and head home.

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