Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Its been a week and youre outside the church waiting to go in to malis funeral.

A girl comes and sits down by you. 'So. You're the one who kissed malis crush huh'

'w-what? I had no idea? Huh?'

'Yeah well that's why she was crying so much at the start of choir. That's why she filmed it and shared it so that you would be shamed into breaking up with him'

'but... we weren't dating? Im so sorry if she was upset about that.'

'yeah okay well you suck'

'sorry what's your name?'

'ana and I hope to never speak with you again'

'um okay'


You walk into the funeral, wondering how in the world one managed to find you – and adam. You slide into a seat up the back near the piano and see mike harris at the piano.

'hi mike whats up'

'yeah not much im just traumatised after seeing mali die in front of me wbu'

'oh yeah for sure me too' you lie

'I just don't understand why she jumped ontop of adam? Did she want to die?'

You choose not to reveal the fact that she was upset that you kissed adam.

'idk' you feign sadness

'anyways I gotta go practice now apparently I got roped into playing piano for her funeral.'

'okay good luck'

Youre sitting down and jack shows up in the seat next to you.

'hi jack'

'hi y/n'

'so you remember how you wanted to know what I was able to do? I found out how they got adam'


'malis video'

Heck! So this is all because adam kissed you before choir! And because mali saw you! Frick this.

'ok thanks jack'


After the funeral you go over and say bye to some people because you odnt thik that youll be coming back to this school.

After saying bye to ana who glares at you, and liky, who offered you some gum, and mike, who offers to play some jazz, you walk out the door and head back towards your mums house, no, crackhouse.

You're scared to find out what will be there but its goung to take you awhile to get there since the funeral was super far away so it takes you 4 hours to walk there.

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