Part 2

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You licked him. Why did you do that? You think your smart? You think it's funny? It's not. He grabbed onto your arm and backed his face away from your ear. He looked at you with his cold eyes

"Don't do that ever, again, if you cherish your life." He let you go and you dropped to the ground. Kind of rude, but kind of hot? 

He walked away from you and pet his goat again "Where are you going after this? Do you even know your surroundings?"

You stayed on the ground. Your butt hurt but that didn't matter. "I don't know where anything is! Can you help me?"

He chuckled "Of course you don't.. Alright stupid commoner I'll help you." He walked over to you, his goat following him, he helped you up and brushed the pink grass off of you "So east or west?"

"Well what's at east or west"

He rolled his eyes at you "East is left, it has the palace. West is right, it has a waterfall"

"Oh!" You pointed left "East it is!"

Beomgyu murmured "I hate the palace, but oh well." He walked ahead of you with his goat "In the palace lives a prince, he's annoying and I also hate him. I should take you to the waterfall honestly- oh!" 

He turned around and looked at his clan "염소를 잘 돌봐, 오늘 밤에 먹어" he gave them a thumbs up

You ran up to him and followed him to the palace

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