Part 6

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"You don't have to lie for my sake, but if that's truly how you feel then okay" You two arrived at a camp, there a was a giant fire with a bunch of other warriors laid around it. Beomgyu went to his tent and opened the flap "Get in"

You went in goat boy's tent. Beomgyu walked in after you. It was small and brown. He had one small bed and a slightly bigger bed. He put Hansan down and patted his butt. The goat bleated and went to the small bed. Beomygu left the tent and went to the fire. He came back with some meat and sat on his bed "Here" He handed you a piece

You took a bite. It was tough. Pretty dry but it's all they had obviously.

Beomgyu took a chomp from the meat and ate it cutely "nom nom nom nom" he swayed his head back and forth and closed his eyes. He hummed a song as he swallowed "I don't know where you're gonna sleep also, it's only two beds and they're both occupied"

"Maybe I could sleep with you? I mean just for the night at least?" You seem obnoxious. Dreadful. Abhorrent.

"Hmmmm no" He threw the meat on the ground. Hansan ran to eat it "Hansan no! That's cannibalism!" Beomgyu picked Hansan up and put him on his bed. "You sleep on goat bed, Hansan sleep with me" He threw a pillow on the bed and pushed you on it "We sleep now, we have a big day tomorrow" He laid down on his bed and snuggled his goat

You sneak out while he's sleeping and walk into the forest. "What are you doing out here?" A male called out to you. You stay where you are. "You know your way around right? You should come with me" He walked into the light and revealed his red hair "Cause I'm just as lost as you are pal"

"Taehyun!" You ran and hugged him.

He hugged back just as tight "I've been looking for you everywhere, where have you been? I saw you at the palace but you were with that wolf man" He broke the hug "Are you still with him? I he near?"

"Oh Beomgyu? That goat boy, he's back at camp sleeping. Don't worry" You tried to reassure him. Stop. You seem nonchalant. Uncaring. Apathetic.

"Oh maybe you should go back to him then" He backed up "I saw him earlier, when I arrived here. I saw him too. He was looking at you in the field, so i went up to him and told him not to hurt you. But then he got mad at me and told me that if he ever saw my face again he'd hurt me badly. I didn't believe him until- " He took off his shirt. There was a burn mark on his chest "I guess he thought I was challenging his manliness? I don't know... Just be careful with him, and meet me by the lake tomorrow if you can" He ran off into the woods

You watched him run away and went back to camp. You walked up to the tent and were greeted by a sleepy Beomgyu "Where were you" He was standing in the fold of the tent rubbing his eye tiredly blocking you from walking in

You told him that you went for quick walk to help you get sleepy. Beomgyu moved and let you in "Alright just lay down so we can sleep" he laid on his bed. Hansan was on the floor.

You laid down on goat boy's bed. He felt you get in his bed and turned towards you "move" his eyes were closed. His voice was tired. He wrapped his arm around you "You sleep.. on goat bed..."

You laid there getting cozier. He pushed you down so that your head would be on his chest and held onto you tight. He furrowed his eyebrows "Go on-.. go on goat bed... stupid commoner.." He put his head on top of your "Beomgyu no share bed"

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