Part 3

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"Where am I?" Why would you ask that? You seem dumb. But I mean he already knows you aren't from here. Maybe he was about to tell you? Now you seem pushy. Impatient. Needy.

"The kingdom of Croteria" You walked through a village. It was mainly brown. Small houses. Dirty looking people. They looked very upset to be there. "Here, you must be hungry" He took an apple from a basket

You took the apple and bit it. It was crunchy. And super juicy. "Thanks!" You flash a smile at him

He flashed one back at you as you approached the palace. He went up to the gates and opened them "Strange. They're usually locked." 

You walk through the gates. It's a garden surrounding the castle. It's quite beautiful. You go to the doors. The guards open the doors for you. As you walk in you see a red carpet going left and and white carpet going right

You go right and see a red haired male sneaking around. He looks like your friend Taehyun. Of course he's from the real world. Not Croteria

"Taehyun!" You called out to him. He turned around and looked at you- no. He was looking at Beomgyu. He looked scared. He turned back around and ran away. Weird.

Beomgyu shrugged it off and went right, following the white carpet. It leads to the throne room. Hansan started eating the carpet "Hansan no!" Beomgyu picked him up "Bad goat"

You entered the Throne room and saw a prince sitting. He looked bored. Unpleased. Fatigue. Dull. But he also looked nice. Cute. Sweet. Loving.

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