Ch.2 Protect at all Cost

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Song: You're Beautiful - James Blunt.

When his day off was over, Shawn leaves his apartment to go back to work but he stops himself when he hears the argument going on his neighbor’s apartment.

“Why the fuck this place is mess!?” a male voice that he hated so much said.

“You are the responsible of this mess, every time you get drunk or high!” the woman he loves the most replied.

“I don’t remember doing this!”

“Yes, that tends to happen when you get drunk, you don’t remember things”

“Oh! Now it’s my fault, right? You always put the blame on me and act like you’re better than me!”

“You know what? I’m running late for my class, we will talk about this when I’m back”

As the door opens, Shawn turns around to lock his door and pretend that he didn’t hear the whole thing. When he turns back he sees (Y/n) with a blonde, tall man behind her.

“We are not done—” but when the man sees Shawn, he stops talking “Hi, neighbor” he greets sourly.

“Hi, everything alright?” he asks looking at the girl, hoping deep inside that she would run into his arms and beg him to save her from the monster behind her.

“Yes, officer” Bernard replies “Just a little argument between two lovers” he says while hugging the girl from behind and kissing her head “Right, babe?”

“Yeah, nothing serious” she smiles softly at him. Her smiles always calms him down, but this time he felt enraged for her lies, however, his stoic face doesn’t give away any emotion.

The blonde smirks “Besides, it’s nothing that can’t be solved with a little bit of sex, you know” he winks at the detective and leans down to kiss his girlfriend’s neck.

Shawn frowns slightly and starts walking towards the elevator, he was furious, jealous and with an incredible pain on his chest, it was hard to accept the fact that the love of his life was fucking with a man that doesn’t deserve her, not like him, he would treat her like a goddess, he knew the things that she had gone through in her adolescence and he never judged her. He wanted to hold her in his arms with her face in his chest while he assures her that everything will be alright and no one would ever hurt her.

“Are you going to come in?” a soft voice interrupts his thoughts as he looks at (Y/n) standing in front of him “You spaced out a little bit there”

“S-Sorry” he says as he enters the elevator pressing the lobby button.

When he turns to look at the girl by his side he immediately notes the hickey on her neck. A hickey that wasn’t there seconds ago. He scolds while looking at her.

“Please don’t be mad” she mutters with her eyes on her backpack as she opens it slightly to let the little bird head out and fly over to her shoulder.

“I am not mad” he takes his eyes off her and looks at the front.

“I can feel your dark aura in this tiny place” she then stands in front of him “Is something bothering you?”

‘Yes, the existence of your boyfriend’ he thought “Nothing at all” he says looking down at her.

“Is it The Taxidermist, right?” she tilts her head.

He totally forgot about The Taxidermist “Yes, it is”

She sighs and looks into his grey’s eyes “I know it must be hard but please don’t keep things for yourself” she smiles at him “Because if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here for you” the birds chirps “And Mango is also here for you”

His problems seem to wash away at her words but they all came back when he remembered that there’s a killer in the loose and (Y/n) walks her way to her college because her dumbass boyfriend wouldn’t give her a ride. As the elevator door’s opens, (Y/n) is the first one to get out.

“See you later, Shawn” she smiles and turns around to leave but stops when she feels a hand in her wrist. Turning back to face a very concerned-looking detective “Are you okay?”

“Let me drive you to your college, please” he says looking at her.

“Oh” she was about to refuse his offer but the look in his eyes begs her to accept him “Okay”

With a smile, he takes her smaller hand on his and guides her to the parking lot. Thinking this was a friendly gesture, she takes his hand as well.

Opening the passenger’s door he lets her in closing the door for her. Going around he opens the driver’s door and gets in the car “Use your seatbelt, please”

“Oh, right” she puts her seatbelt on.

With his seatbelt on he starts the car “So… uhm, how is your thesis going?”

“Fantastic, I’ve been working on it for almost a year now and I’m only a couple months to finish it and graduate” she says with a big smile in her lips “And due my grades, I received job’s offers from others countries”

“I’m glad to hear that” Even when he was happy to see her succeed, he was a bit anxious with the idea of her leaving… unless “What are you going to do, then?”

“Well” she pets Mango “I’m in an assistantship in my college at the moment so… I’m fine for now” the lovebird chirps happily and rubs his face in (Y/n)’s cheek.

He smiles relieved.

After a couple of minutes in silence the girl looks at the man driving “You are wearing the coat I gifted you”

He blushes and coughs a little “Yes, it’s the only one I have” he was lying, he has other five coats on his dresser.

“Oh, you should buy more” she then deepens her voice “Winter is coming”

He chuckles and shakes his head “I’m fine with this one”

“Are you? It’s old and a little discolored” she caresses the fabric.

“I don’t care for that, all that matters is that you get it for me” he casually says looking at the road.


‘Shit, did I say that out loud?’ he thought in panic.

“Gee, that’s flattering” she touches her burning cheeks “You have no idea how happy it makes me, it’s nice to be appreciated, thanks”

“You’re welcome” he stops in front of the college’s campus “If you need a ride back to home, just call me”

“You’re so sweet” she giggles “But I’ll be fine” she takes her seatbelt off and kisses his cheek “See you later, Shawn” she exits the car closing the door behind her and walking towards  the entrance.

“I love you” he mutters as he watches her figure leave.

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