Moried mpreg

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It was hard to say the least. Being 4 months pregnant and pretending to be a beta was nearly impossible but when you have an IQ of 187 almost anything is possible.

4 months ago Spencer Reid had a one night stand with is alpha co worker Derek Morgan not that Morgan remembered.
He was planning on using his stokked up vacation days to stay home for the next year. In order to do this he needed to tell Hotch.

Walking into his bosses office was stressful to say the least. Though it wasn't against the rules omegas in the FBI were almost unheard of.
He knocked on the door and began talking.
"Hey Hotch, I won't be here for the next year"
Hotch was shocked usually Reid never used vacation days. " I know you have the days but why?"
" promise not to tell anyone. I'm an omega also I'm 4 months pregnant and I can't put my child in harms way"
Hotch was shocked but understood and granted him the leave.

*5 months later*

Reid sat at home reading in a nice sunny corner of his apartment when there was knock at the door.

He slowly peeled himself from the chair and walked to the door with one hand on his bump, and opened the door.

Before him was Derek Morgan AKA his baby daddy AkA sex god.

In fear Reid slammed the door and ran (well more like briskly walked) back to his couch and sat down once more.

"Reid, Reid let me in"

Spencer didn't respond.

Derek kicked the door down and walkedover to spence who was cradling his bump protectively.

"Pretty boy, what going on? How long have you been pregnant? Why the hell didn't you tell anyone"

By the end of his entrance Derek was yelling,and without yelling scaring him and inducing his labor.

When Spencer didn't answer he walked over and shock his shoulders "Answer me dam it!"

Spencer stammered for a minute till he stopped and threw hishead back. Gritting his teeth he gripped the bottom of his bump.

"Reid, Reid what is happening to you?"

"I- MOTHER FUCKER!" He screamed out in pain alerting his neighbor and midwife Kathy.

She ran into the apartment and then to Spencer's side.

'Hey, Spence it's time huh?" He gritted his teeth again and nodded. "Alright you lay back and I will set everything up"

She turned to Derek "Do not asked him anything just let him squeeze your hand and no matter how much it hurts do not complain"

She then left the room and Derek sat next to Spencer holding his hand when he had a contraction.

5 minutes late Kathy returned and laid a stark naked Reid in his bed propped up with pillows and threw a sheet over his legs.

She left the room and left to talk to Derek "Look Spencer told me not to tell anyone but call your team over here he needs his friends and the support."

She left once again and Derek got to dialing.

________________________________________________________________________________This is Tom he is a timeskip

Two hours later the whole team arrived and Spencers labour was progressing at an alarming rate he was already at 5 centimeters and his water had not broken.

Penelope rushed over "Whats wrong why did you call us over here?"

Derek was going to respond but he was cut off by Spencers screaming .

The whole team rushed in the room only to see Spencer Reid gripping his sheets and massive baby bump screaming in pain.

The boys were to shocked to do anything, the girls however rushed into action.

Garcia help his hand and whispered soothing words.

Prentiss wipped his forehead with a cool cloth.

JJ slowly gave him water and told him to breath.

Spencer looked around and saw the three girls standing over her "JJ, Emily, Penelope?"

They all smiled and said "yah honey its us"

He leaned back more "It hurts"

They all began to sooth him until he fell asleep.

They all left his room and talked in the kitchen.

"Sooo It looks like Spencers an omega"

They all nodded, and Emily looked at Hotch.

"Is this why he took the year off?"

Hotch nodded "Spencer told me not to tell anyone about it"

They were peaved but understood.

For the next hour Spencer slept and the rest of the boys played cards while the girls talked about babbies.

A splash of liquid and an earsplitting scream emerged from spencers room and everyone ran in.

Kathy opened up Reids legs while Rossi and Derek help them open.

"Ok Spencer the baby is crowning on the next contraction I need you to push"

They waited a couple seconds before Kathy yelled out "Push spencer! come on you can do !"

This cycle went on for about 20 minutes.

"Alright Spencer one last push I need all your strength! PUSH!"

He screamed with the force of a hundred men till a shrill cry peirced through the small room.

"Its a healthy Alpha girl!"

They cut the cord and placed the screaming infant on Reids chest and he cried in joy while the girls cooed at the baby.

For thenext ten minutes, everything was heaven till Reid gripped his bump again and screamed "KATHY! something's wrong!"

She rushed over and gasped at what she saw he was crowning again!

They passed the little girl on to JJ who took her in the other room.

10 minutes into pushing Reid threw his head back "I can't- I can't do it anymore. Im so tired"

"Come on Spencer one more I promise and you'd have both of your kids here!"

He barred down with all his strength till a silent baby was born.

"Why-why isn't it crying? Why isn't my baby crying!"

She rubbed the baby with a towel till they let a small cry, telling everyone they are alive.

"An Omega girl"

He help his other daughter and looked up "Where is my other daughter?"

JJ walked back in the room holding the small bundle and passed it on to Reid who cried tears of joy.

He quickly fell asleep and the babies were placed in a crib.

Spencer woke up three hours later to see Garcia and JJ each holding a blanket.

"here ya go mom"

He hed his daughter and watched them wriggle around. After a quick feeding Dreek Morgan walked into he room.

"Hey pretty boy is there something you wan to tell me?"

"They're yours"

Morgan smiled but didn't question it he just sat next to Spencer and looked at his daughters with wonder.

Just like that the BAU family got a little bigger.

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