Chapter 33: A Soul as Dark as His Name

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"Now remember, these visits to Hogsmeade village are a privilege," McGonagall told the group of excited third-year gathered in the courtyard. "Should your behaviour reflect poorly on the school in any way, that privilege shall not be extended again."

Shaye and Harry stood nearby, arms folded across their chests and looks of great disappointment on their faces. For separate but equally devastating reasons, neither of them had a signed permission form to attend Hogsmeade with the rest of the class.

For Harry, it was because his uncle flat-out refused to sign the form—most likely because of what had happened over the summer with a certain someone floating out of the house like a balloon. For Shaye, it was completely her own fault; she had forgotten to give her parents the form in the first place. She had no one to blame but herself but it was still a rough blow. All of the third-years had been looking forward to their first visit to the village all year long.

Harry, however, was hopeful that his rough home life might strike a sympathetic string with McGonagall and he approached her anyway, unsigned form in hand. 

"No permission form signed, no visiting the village," McGonagall told Harry. "That's the rule, Potter."

"All those with permission, follow me." Filch waved for the group of kids to walk with him. "Those without, stay put."

Harry tried once more. "But, professor, I thought if you signed it, then I could go."

"I can't," McGonagall informed him. "Only a parent or a guardian can sign. Since I am neither, it would be inappropriate. I'm sorry, Potter. That's my final word."

Harry turned around and sulked back over to Shaye. He was upset, as was she, but at least they didn't have to stay behind alone. "Forget about it, guys." Harry looked to Hermione and Ron, who both had signed forms. "See you later."

Reluctantly, and with a few glances back over their shoulders, Hermione and Ron left with the rest of the class. Shaye knew they would have a good time though, so that thought alone lifted her spirits. 

"We could go visit Hagrid," Shaye suggested. "He's always up for a cup of tea and I bet he would welcome a break from all of his lesson planning."

Harry seemed to cheer up a little. "Yeah."

As the two began to cross the wooden bridge that separated the castle from Hagrid's hut and the Dark Forest, a voice called out for Harry. Shaye and Harry turned around to see Lupin jogging to catch up with them.

"Harry, I wonder if I could have a quick word," he requested.

Harry nodded. "Of course, professor."

"I'll meet you at Hagrid's," Shaye said and continued on her way, leaving the two alone to speak privately for a while.

When Shaye arrived at Hagrid's hut, she had only just raised her knuckled to knock before the door swung up and Hagrid ushered the girl inside with a smile on his face. "Please, come in." He seemed beyond eager to have a visitor. "Thought you lot would be heading into Hogsmeade today."

"I forgot to get my form signed," Shaye confessed. "Harry's isn't signed either. He should be here soon. Just the two of us though. Ron and Hermione went with everyone else."

Hagrid smiled as he filled his old silver kettle with water and placed it over the roaring fire in his fireplace. "That's okay. More tea for us then."

"Thanks, Hagrid." Shaye took a seat at his table and remembered the time she had watched a baby dragon hatch in that exact spot two years earlier. 

"So how come you forgot to get your form signed?" Hagrid asked. "You're usually a pretty organized little lass."

"I had so many other things to think about during the summer it just kind of slipped my mind." Shaye's shoulders slumped. 

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