20-The Price of Love

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Anna Walken,

   We hope this letter finds you well. In regards to your application for the New York Public Bank and Tryst, we would like to offer you the job position you had previously inquired about. Please contact us as soon as you have made your decision.

Sincerely, The New York Public Bank and Trust

   Anna couldn't believe what she was reading. The letter in her hands, clutched tightly, held information that she had forgotten she had ever hoped to receive. She sat down on her bed and stared at the wall, remembering the day she had applied.

   After much inner debate, she stared at the pixelated, boxy computer screen. Was she really going to do this? She grabbed the mouse in her hand and moved it, clicking the word send. She heard a swoosh sound from the computer speakers, and she knew that she had applied.

   She couldn't believe it. She had sent the application in over a year and a half ago. She realized that there was now an opening in the business. She looked at the clock and saw the time.

   "I'm late!" She exclaimed to herself. She stood up and grabbed her car keys, running outside to her car. As she was driving, she thought about the offer the letter had informed her of. It was everything she had ever wanted. A job where she was appreciated. New York City. But it was lacking one thing. Alex Keaton. She walked into the office and saw Alex sitting at his desk. He looked up and smiled widely at her. Her heart nearly melted as she walked over and sat down near him.

"There you are. I was worried about you," he said, smiling. She smiled and leaned forward to kiss him.

"Sorry. I got a little distracted," she said.

"So what should we do tonight?" Alex asked. Anna gave him a smile.

   "I was thinking we could go to the park and walk around," she said, not wanting to worry him by saying that they needed to talk.

   "Sounds good my little firecracker," he joked. She rolled her eyes before kissing his cheek, standing up, and heading towards her own desk. She felt the letter in her pocket, making sure it was still there. Continuing to work, Anna focused on the work in front of her.

   When the two arrived at the park, Alex took Anna's hand out of habit.

   "Are you alright? You've seemed kinda distant all day," Alex asked, concern obvious in his voice. Anna took a deep breath, pulling him towards a bench so they could sit down. She turned her body towards his, letting him know that it was a serious topic of conversation. Crossing her ankles, she pressed her fingernails into her palms nervously.

"I have something to tell you, and I just want you to know that this is a decision between the two of us. No matter what," she said.

"What's up?" Alex asked in a worried tone. Anna pulled the letter out of her pocket, handing it to him. He opened the letter, reading it, and then reading it again. "When did this happen?"

"I applied so long ago I completely forgot about it. I just got the letter today," she said. Alex nodded.

"Are you gonna do it?" He asked. She shrugged.

"I'm not sure yet," she said. Alex nodded.

"Annie it's your dream job," he said. "You have to take it."

"But I'll have to leave you," she said, tears pooling in her eyes. She blinked, pushing the tears away. She was a strong woman. She could handle this.

"Come on, honey. This is everything you've ever wanted. We've been to New York. You belong there," he said emotionally. She hugged him. "I saw the way you stared at the skylines."

"We still have a little time," she whispered. Alex kisses her head.

"Yeah," he replied quietly, hugging her even tighter.

Eventually, it was time for Anna to leave. She stared at the bags she had packed, her dream board sticking out of her duffel bag. She tossed them into the car which Alex would be driving as they made their way to the airport. She hugged her family goodbye, telling them that she would call the minute she got to her new apartment.

   "Ready to go?" Alex asked. She nodded, sitting in the passengers seat. They arrived at their destination, and checked her bags into the counter, only holding onto her carryon luggage. Alex then walked her to her flight terminal. They heard the announcement that her flight was boarding.

   "Well then... I'll see you later," she said sadly. Alex kissed her forehead.

   "Yeah. I'll see you later," he replied. They waved to each other as she walked away, and Alex turned away. That was when he realized something.

   That's the price of love. Heartbreak.

   He slowly walked back to his car, sitting in the drivers seat. Taking a deep breath, he began to drive home.

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