nine: admirer?

160 11 2

Son Dongpyo

I had a very fun weekend because of Yohan hyung. He would cook for me everytime and we would watch a lot of movies.

This year will be so fun.

It was monday, and yes. We have to go to school. Luckily, the dorm is very close to our school so me and Yohan hyung can walk to school.

That's what we did. We walked to school. We had to bid our goodbyes because he was going to "X1's secret room" which sounds very lame.. and i was going to get things from my locker.

I entered the code and opened my locker but to my surprise, a cutely wrapped box was what i first saw.

"Who is this from? There's no card or something?" I questioned as i observe the box.

I started blushing as i realized that i may have a...secret admirer!

I smiled very widely as i opened the box. It was full of my favorite foods! My hunch may be right!

I was so happy and touched that i conpletely forgot how they placed this inside my completely secured locker...

I hopped happily to Singing class only to receive confused looks from Dohyon and Yena.

"Why are you so happy?" Dohyon questioned.

Yena's duck lips are pouted as her eyebrows furrow out of confusion.

"I-" I stopped talking once i realized that i am talking to both of the world's greatest eaters right now.

"It's nothing!" I lied as i sat on my chair.

I was so happy the whole 2 subjects that i didn't listen to a single word the teachers said.

It was l recess. I am with my squad as usual. I was eating the given snacks happily as i received confused looks from the whole squad.

"Where did those come from?" Hyewon asked as he sneakily gets a snack but luckily i noticed it.

"Mine only!" I got the snack back from her and put it back at it's right place.

"So selfish!" Jinwoo said as he kept staring at the snacks.

"That's why you were happy a while ago!" Yena concluded. It was a moment of Eureka for her.

Dohyon, with widened eyes, made his infamous dolphin noise as he nodded repeatedly agreeing to Yena.

"Maybe it was from an admirer!" Hyeongjun shouted.

"Or a bad person!" Yena shouted as she acted like she was scared. I just rolled my eyes at them and continued eating my snacks.

Junho was nowhere to be found. Maybe busy with his business. It's the month of heartbreaks.

Their teasing faces turned into irritated ones as screams filled the cafeteria. We were all used to it. Their screams are a sign that X1 has entered the cafeteria.

Usually i would also be irritated but i can't stop smiling to the fact that i may have a secret admirer!

Seungwoo was staring, a smirk on his lips and as usual i gave him the infamous eye roll. I turned my attention to Yohan and smiled as i waved hello to him.

X1 members may not be bad after all... maybe only one of them, but not all of them.

I was so happy the whole day that i haven't realize that it was the end of the school day.

Yohan and I agreed that we would always walk home together if we weren't busy.

"Why are you so happy?" He asked, confusion was evident in his face.

"Hyung.. i think i may have a secret admirer!" I squealed as i showed him the cutely wrapped box that made my day.

My happiness turned into confusion as i watch him stand like a stone. He was frozen. What is it about this box that made him like that?

I snapped at his face to bring him back to his senses. He flinched a little.

"Ya.. what did this box do to you?" I asked, still confused.

"N-nothing. Let's go!" He stuttered as he pulled me and ran to our room.

I slapped his chest as soon as we reached our room. What is up with this man and the box?

I laid down on my bed, breathing repeatedly on a fast pace. I cannot believe Yohan hyung did that! We didn't even use the elevator. We just ran up the stairs. I can't with this man!

*phone vibrates*

5:30 p.m.

So is it a yes?

I wasn't going to answer because i don't really care about him but i was so curious. What yes is he talking about?

What yes?

Are you drunk or what?

If you are, don't bother me.

aRe YoU dRunK oR whAt?

drunk, seriously?

Look at the bottom of the box :))

Which box?

The box from.. NO WAY!

My eyes widen out of shock as i read the content of the letter.

Son Dongpyo,

This box is full of the
things you love. Enjoy.
Now, Please help me get
her back.

- H. S.

I sighed in disbelief once i finished reading the content. Wow... the audacity of this man! His face is thicker than a thick dictionary!

I throw the box on the floor as i scream very loudly, making Yohan hyung stand up out of fear.

5:40 p.m.


You think it made me
want to help you?

Because it just made me really mad!

But you enjoyed the snacks, baby.




I only ate them because i didn't
know it was from you!

I sigh heavily as i turn off my phone. I cover my face with a pillow and screamed very loud.


Why is my heart beating so fast?

- end of chapter -

Stream: Secret Story of the Swan, Cloud 9, Mayday, Red Moon, and More and More!

A new chapter tomorrow~

the wingman // seungpyoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant