Chapter Two: Black

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  Dark Rabbit PoV:

             I just killed, maybe 78 people I lost count when me and the other dolls fought the humans. Luckily one of the humans told us where the other children went so that wasn't hard but I feel a little bad for them. They just told us what we needed to know and we just killed them.
          I began walking back to DizzyLand when out of nowhere I heard a child crying. They sound quiet for anyone not to hear but I do (because you know because he's a rabbit He has very good hearing.) So I follow the sound that lead right to a tree but no one's there I got very confused until I looked down and what I saw shocked me that I wish I hadn't seen them there on the ground lay a tiny child but not just a child but seeing that this kid has different parts on them or should I say she. She was lying next two a male and a female which I presume that's her parents. This makes me feel really guilty but then I look around the place and it's not just human body's, or the dolls, but also the same human-like creatures dead.
          I look back at the child again and realize that we not only killed humans but also her species and tell by the look of it she's now the last of her kind, almost instinct if not her. I kneeled down and touched the child she flinched Still shaking, realizing that she's cold since it's winter. So I decide to take her with me I took off my black scarf and wrapped it around her to keep her warm and let me tell ya she's a fighter as if she really wants to die but would you blame her she lost her people and parents and would do anything to stay with them even if it means suicide.
         But I won't take no for an answer after I wrapped her up. I cradle her so she can understand I'm trying to help while walking back to DizzyLand.

Uchu PoV:

        I don't get it why does this rabbit came here for to watch me suffer lose everyone I love or to just end my suffering. But all of the sudden this rabbit touched me. I flinched still shaking from the cold then the rabbit just wrapped me up with its scarf. I struggled to get out. All I want it's to see my family in heaven, or hell , or whatever but this rabbit wants me to live. After it's done the rabbit cradles me I guess to tell that it's trying to help me walking away from my parents, from my people, from my home. I still cried but after a few tears I pass out and darkness consumed me.

To be continued in the next chapter...

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