Chapter 39: Mercy

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Niall was driving, Louis in the passenger seat. None of the two boys had spoken since they left the hospital room, sitting in an empty silence until Niall said, "so, where are we going?", attempting to spark some form of conversation. He never took his blue eyes off the road as he controlled the vehicle.

"Just drop me at my flat, please" Louis responded, frustrated, wiping his weary eyes with the back of his hand. A few months back, Louis purchased a small, homely place of residence in Manchester, close to their current location. That's where he wanted to go. "I need to be by myself."

"You sure?" Niall asked, "Brianna invited us to the house."

"I'm positive" Louis replied, kindly rejecting his friend's offer.

"Okay" Niall said, seeing that he clearly wasn't going to change Louis' mind, and continued driving in the direction of the flat.


Zayn answered the door with a disappointed frown as Niall was the only person standing before him. In his expectations there were two people at the door.

"Where's Lou?" he asked as he let Niall inside, shutting the door behind him.

"I took him home. He said he needed some time to himself" Niall said, shrugging as if to say 'what could I do?'. Walking further into the house until the lounge room came into view, the Irish lad saw the others sitting by the television. Brianna, Lisa, Tahlia and Liam sat on the lounge while Harry, Chloe and Layla were lying on the floor.

"Where's Natasha?" Niall questioned curiously, noticing the blonde girl was nowhere to be seen.

"She may or may not be on a flight to Australia as we speak. She said she was going to see Ashton" Chloe answered. It was news to Niall. She never even mentioned it to him.

He took a seat next to Brianna, pulling her towards him, hugging her tight. "What are we watching?" he asked no one in particular.



It was dead silent in the apartment. Louis sat on a stool at the kitchen bench, drowning his sorrows in bottles of whiskey. He never thought he would be the type of person to do it - he thought drinking at a time like this was cliché - but it was different now. It was as if each sip of the alcohol was helping him face his problems. Every drop was changing his negative perspective of the situation to a positive one, though, in reality, the only things changing were the increasing amount of guilt inside of him, and the level of intoxication. He seemed to be feeling worse about what happened as more days passed, more days where he wasn't doing anything but heavily drinking, one bottle at a time. He didn't want to care, but he did.

He took one last swig, emptying his second bottle, attempting to throw it into the bin. Having consumed too much alcohol, he missed, glass shattering into thousands of tiny pieces within seconds of impact. Sweeping up the remains of the second bottle with a broom, he recalled having a third one in the fridge, but he told himself he would save it for another time. He knew there would be another time, and he knew it would most likely be in the near future.

He ventured into his room, collapsing onto the bed. It felt too big for just one person, but asking for her to come back and fill the vacant space was like asking for a miracle.

And he knew well enough, with his lack of luck, that it would never happen.


"Could someone please answer that?" Tahlia asked, listening to the sound of the phone ringing.

"Why can't you?" Layla asked.

"I'm busy" Tahlia responded, applying pink lipstick as she looked in the mirror.

A Neverending Love (A 1D Fan Fiction/Romance) (Louis Tomlinson)Where stories live. Discover now