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"Regret is something unnecessary

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"Regret is something unnecessary..."


Jin couldn't sleep. He was used to it, after the breakup, he couldn't sleep either. Only this time the cause of his insomnia was a skater. Seokjin couldn't get the image of his skating out of his head. Day and night, every minute he was thinking about the boy. Even with Ji Ra he didn't feel like this.

He was obsessed.

He thought about the boy so much that he even created his background story of him in his mind. According to Jin's imagination, the boy was a senior in university, studying psychology while in his free time, he worked part-time at the ice rink. He had an easy life.

He wanted to go back and see him again. See him dancing on the ice, but he figured the boy wouldn't be pleased. There must have been a reason why he skated after closing hours when everyone left.

He also didn't want to go alone. It felt weird, but his brother was too occupied with exams. He didn't have time to go with Jin even if he really wanted. The exam period was a real nuisance.

After two days, he got to a point where he didn't care how awkward the encounter will be, anymore. He just wanted to see him.

So after work, he went to the ice rink again. When he saw him, he felt his heart skip a beat. It's not like the boy looked differently. He wore camo pants with a black hoodie. His head was covered with a black beanie this time instead of a grey one. His boots still seemed to be ridiculously big.

However, Seokjin knew that under those baggy clothes, a graceful body resided. It moved something inside of him.

The boy didn't notice him at first. He was too occupied to argue with a youngster. The kid was a lot shorter than him. He must have been a skater as well, Jin saw that his skates hung around his neck.

"I'm not gonna tell you again, Jungkook," The boy massaged his nose. "I'm not going back. End of story."

"But Hyung!" The younger cried and stomped with his leg.

"Go already! You don't want to make Hoseok angry, do you?"

The kid sighed in frustration, then slowly wandered out of the building. His whole posture inspired sadness.

When the kid left, his boy finally noticed Jin. First, he seemed to be embarrassed that Jin saw him fighting with a youngster but then his dimple smile appeared. He leaned over the counter. He seemed to be searching for something.

"I was waiting for you," he said after straightening up. He jogged up to Seokjin who felt like his heart is going to explode. Was the boy thinking of him too? Did he want to see Seokjin desperately too?

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