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"Quit while you are ahead

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"Quit while you are ahead."


Jin knew it's not nice to stalk after his boyfriend. For his defence, he didn't think he would find something.

Oh, boy. He couldn't be more wrong. He didn't just find something. He found everything.

After typing 'Kim Namjoon' into his computer and searched for his name, various articles and pictures popped up. It's not like he had to search for him too much.

Kim Namjoon's name was all over the internet.

Jin had a slight hint that the boy skated before but he never thought that those medals in his closet were Olympic medals.

The guy was a two-time Olympic champion. On the Nationals he finished in first place in a total of four times, he also owned three golds from the Four Continents Figure Skating Championship and another four gold medals from the Grand Prix Figure Staking Final. He also won the Wold Figure Skating Championship at least three times, but Jin lost counting at this point.

And these were just his biggest achievements. There were still many other ranks and competitions he participated.

He currently held the world record for both the Grand Prix and the Olympics. So far, no one has been able to score as high as him in either the short - or the free program.

He was also the youngest figure skater in the World who won an Olympic gold medal. He was 16 years old at that time.

Kim Namjoon was a figure skater prodigy. He was called the Prince of Figure Skating.

His Namjoon was famous. And Jin had no idea. Sure, he thought he was skilled but to this extent...

Skating was Namjoon's life. And he hid it from him. It was natural for Jin to feel betrayed, hurt, even angry.

"What is this?" Jin shoved his mobile into Namjoon's face the next day. He decided to finally confront his boyfriend and he wasn't going to let him escape again.

Namjoon, like many other times, was sitting behind the counter, reading a book. His body looked much bigger in his red puffy vest he was wearing but Jin couldn't be fooled anymore. Last night, he saw plenty of videos of the boy dancing on the ice in tight, shiny rhinestones garments. He knew very well how slender the boy actually was.

After he finished reading the page, he looked up at Seokjin and pulled the lollipop out of his mouth. He still seemed to be slightly irritated because of their fight on Saturday but he answered nonetheless.

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