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"Small things must be valued as well

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"Small things must be valued as well."


Visiting Namjoon after work became a regular thing for Jin. They paid for two cups of horrible coffee and chatted for hours about random things.

Jin has learnt that Namjoon was a very gentle and smart boy. He said that he knew how to skate since he can remember. It's like he was born on the ice. It was always in his blood. 

Jin learnt that beside skating Namjoon loved to visit the local library. On his free days, he often went there and searched for books for hours. He got those ridiculous self-help books from there as well. Lately, he found interest in those topics, but Jin also saw him reading Harry Potter. That book was in English and Jin was shocked that the boy taught himself how to speak in English. Sure, he was a smart kid.

Jin also got to see Namjoon's skating more often as he secretly stayed behind to watch the younger almost every time. He tried to bring up the topic, but Namjoon clearly avoided speaking about figure skating. So he let it be, tough curiosity was killing him.

He enjoyed the younger's company. Even if he spoke like he was a self-help book himself, he was fun to talk to. He taught many things to Jin about life.

Because of what Namjoon told him about regret, he even went to an audition. They looked for supporting characters for a new drama. And he got it. It wasn't a big role, but it was something. It definitely boosted his self-confidence.

He wanted to tell the big news to Namjoon so he invited him out to dinner. He finally wanted to get away from that little cabin where Namjoon spends his days. He felt like it was time for a real date. He wasn't sure Namjoon understood his intention when he asked him out, though. He was a smart kid but he could be surprisingly dense as well.

They agreed to meet at the restaurant, but Jin regretted this decision as soon as he arrived. He was way too early. Also, picking up the boy would have been more romantic.

This way, he had wait for twenty minutes.

Namjoon arrived just two minutes before the agreed time. Not too late, not too early. Just perfect like his whole presence.

Jin easily spotted him even in the crowded street. It was his superpower. If it was Namjoon, he could easily recognize him.

The boy didn't dress up for this evening like Seokjin, who was wearing a suit. Namjoon had an oversized red flannel shirt on with light blue jeans. On his head, he was wearing a black beanie again. Jin has seen Namjoon many times but never without something on his head. Those beanies he wore were almost fused with his skull. It made Jin wonder why he did that. Was the reason a horrible haircut or a dye? Either way, Jin was getting more and more curious what Namjoon was hiding under those hats.

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