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EXT. Bonita's home - day

The next day Eduardo rolls up in his car to Mateo's, Pedro's, and Lupe's house, with his men right behind him. He has intentions of killing everybody and their families for the betrayal.

(Mateo steps outside of his house with Pedro, on their way to the warehouse but stops in shock when they see Eduardo and 6 men)


Eduardo is everything okay? Me and Pedro were getting ready to head over to the warehouse. We just set the girls off to school.


Yeah you showing up to our house is extremely rare, what's going on?

(Eduardo steps out of the car with a disappointed look on his face. he goes and stands right in front of the boys)


I just want to know if brotherhood meant anything to you two. To me it means sacrificing everything. I picked you up from the streets when you was a little boy. You and Pedro. I gave you the life you have right now. If it weren't for me the streets would of ended you a long time ago. I made men out of both of you, and you two plotting behind my back is the gratitude I get in return?!

(Mateo and Pedro are both shock that Eduardo knows this piece of information)


Brotherhood is having each other backs and you making me sacrifice my family does not show me brotherhood at all. I have always put my job over my family many times and I hurt my family too many times by doing that. Being apart of the cartel is hurting them every day already and now you making me go to Miami is putting my life and their life at risk and I just won't do it.

(Pedro speaks nervously but holds his stance)


I agree. Enough is enough. I know you never knew what family is so I'm sure you won't understand the decision we had to make.

(Eduardo scoffs at the both of them)


I thought over the years I have made it very clear that I am your true family. I come first not them. They are just accessories. They are here today and gone tomorrow but I will always be here and yet you two have failed to grasp that. Im sure my next decision you two will understand, especially you Mateo. I loved you the most. You were the brother I never had.

(Pedro is up in arms because of what is about to happen next)


Violence is never the answer. Please just let us go. We have no interest in turning you or any information we have on you to the police. We just want a better life for our family.

(Mateo is defeated and accepts his fate, he tries to make Pedro accept it as well)


Pedro stop. You know the only way out of the Reynosa family is death which is why we were plotting on escaping. I thought we would be able to escape this death but it turns out we couldn't. Spare my wife and kids at least.

(Eduardo shakes his head at the request)


You were already brushing with death even thinking you could escape this family. maybe in the next life, you will become more loyal to me. I don't know what I did in my past life to deserve this dishonesty but me losing you is the price I will pay. You losing your family is the price you'll pay for your betrayal. Goodbye Mateo and Pedro. See you in the next one.

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