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cut to:

ext. Edwardo's MANSION in Miami - day

The gang gets to Eduardo's mansion. They take out the men that were at the gate and stop the car before they make their way to the driveway. Jeffery wants to give the girls a final speech before the main event.

(They get out of the car and load up on weapons. Jeffery groups them in for a talk)


Before we make our way up that driveway I just want to say one thing. No matter what happens in there, if we or you guys come out of this situation alive, you must keep your family's dream alive. You girls need to stick together for life. Your families dreamed of moving to the U.S and live together in a community and raise your girls together for life. You got to keep that alive and I know you guys have it in there.

(The girls look at each other in agreement)


I agree. I thought us going our separate ways after this would be a good idea but we got to keep our parent's wishes alive. We own it to them.


100% I agree. There's no way I could survive without you guys. You guys are all I know and I wouldn't want to continue this journey call life without you guys. Sisters for life.

(The girls get into a group hug)


Sisters for life.

cut to:

ext. inside of Eduardo's mansion - day

The Reynosa and La Flor are seated in the formal dining room for a meeting. Eduardo is looking at Juan intently. Not trusting his motives. Juan is looking at Eduardo's face intently too, hand on his pistol in case things pop off.


Never thought I'd see the day where we would be in a room together, drinking and at peace.


I have. Well only in my dreams. but darn me, I always end up killing you every time.

(Juan laughs)


Hopefully, that won't be the outcome today.


We will see. Fess up. I know you got something up your sleeve.

(Juan has a smirk on his face)


Well, I know who set up Peter. It wasn't us. Remember your old associates Mateo and Pedro? Well, I know you been manhunting those girls for years and I just so happen to know the whereabouts of those girls.


What do you want in exchange?


It's pretty simple. I give you the information that you want and in exchange, you agree to end the war and let us join forces instead. Just think the money we would make if we joined forces.

(Eduardo gets up from his seat)


Running a cartel empire has shown you nothing I see. Where have you been getting your cartel lessons? Cartel for dummies? This is the real world mi amigo. There's no such thing has joined forces. There's only room for one empire in this town and it's always has been that way. You guys have always been in the way just like we have been in yours. I'm sorry to say but I'm glad we set this meeting up because today is the end of La Flor existing.

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