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cut to:

ext. Perla Bar - night

The girls get to the bar and wait out in a van for Peter to arrive to make the Business deal he has set up for that night. The van is filled with weapons.

(Bonita is in the front seat, tapping on the wheel waiting. She looks back at Josie who is in the back seat)


Josie stop fidgeting. He going to be here soon I know it.


We have been waiting for two hours already but the deal should be happening any minute now.


Do we all know of our roles once we get inside?

(Josie is annoyed)


Yes for the hundred time already. You have the front, Lorena has the middle, and I have the back. You will capture Peter yourself and we will help you tie him and pack him in the back of the van.


Correct. and if anything goes wrong just know we will finish the journey for you guys i promise, do the same for me if I end up dying.


We shouldn't even be focusing on if we end up failing. This should be a cakewalk.


Your right who am I kidding.

(Bonita looks out the window and see's Peter car pull in)

Finally there he is.


Alright, let's do this.

The girls get out of the car, weapons in hand, and bust right into the door. They start shooting everywhere. Eduardo's men start shooting back but most of them are down already. Peter rushes to the back room and Lorena sees this. She rushes to the back and shoots Peter in the leg. The girls come to the backroom to tie Peter up.


Lorena help me tie his arms and legs and Josie tie his mouth shut.

The girls finishing tying Peter up and pack him in the car. Lorena gets into the driver's seat while Bonita is in the back of the van with Peter.


Alright, let's go! Drive Lorena.


Can't believe we actually did that holy shit.


I told you this would be easy. It was actually kind of fun. Don't you feel powerful?


Focus on the road. we can focus on getting a power trip later.

cut to:

ext. warehouse - night

The girls pull into the warehouse and they check to see if they were followed. They then drag peter inside and sit him on a chair.

Peter, male, Mexican, second in command for Eduardo, early 40s

(peter is in a rage, his blood boiling, he screams out)


Take off the masks you pieces of shit! You guys were man enough to raid our bar, be man enough to confront us.

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