The Awakening

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Caramel POV

I let out a little shriek as I sat up in my bed and woke up, My bed surrounded with cold sweat . I groaned at my alarm and looked at the time.

" Great...I just had to wake up at the time of Devil's hour..." I muttered to myself.

I was slightly shaking as I got out my bed and walked warily across the room to where I placed my bag.
Taking the journals out I picked up the first one and started to read it from the beginning.

Even though I tried to read to go back to sleep I couldn't, the flash  images of the nightmare kept coming back as I closed my eyes..too scared that was going to happen again.

Why was Dipper in my dream?
Why am I valuable to Bill?
What's going on?
What that just all a dream?.....

as Questions and thoughts rushed through my head as I  remembered what happened, How Dipper appeared And knew what was going on...Then I slightly blushed again at the though of him being protective over me, pulling me into that tight embrace that even though it was a dream....It felt so real.

If Bill truly did show up in my dream, then how did Dipper appear? He couldn't of had been there unless....we were having the same dream...

I shook my head to myself, that was something completely crazy and impossible to happen.

"I'm going nuts..." I mumbled to myself, then I sighed as I flipped a page in the first journal, and began to read..

Not knowing what would happen next....

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