Music with reasons

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( the music I have put on here and yes I know it's from Tokyo Ghoul but I thought it fit in to this chapter. However, don't play the music till I tell you...well then again play if you want to because personally this is my favorite song in Tokyo ghoul besides the opening Unravel!)

Dipper POV

I was sweeping the floor in the gift shop as people gathered around Caramel and listened to her playing a violin piece called "with reasons forgive me."  So many people were crying that Wendy had to pass out tissues and was even crying herself.

"Caramel sure knows how to make people cry." Wendy whimpered before wiping her tears away with a tissue.

"Dude she's like if Mozart rose from the dead!" Soos said while laughing before starting to cry.

I patted Soos's back before staring at Caramel, observing all of her features. Those blue and green eyes, the curly red hair, fair skin, and the freckles slightly appearing on her nose.

My heart was starting to beat against my chest and the feeling of butterflies arrived in my stomach. Something about Caramel just makes me feel this way, just being a  good friend and understanding the weirdness in this town that no one else would.

I admit it Caramel is extremely beautiful and whenever I'm around I just feel almost like pulling her into my arms....I like her..

I continued to stare at her as Gruncle Stan walked by, starting to smirk a little bit. I noticed him standing next to me and dazed away from Caramel.

"What?" I asked, Gruncle Stan placed his arm around my shoulder.

" So who is the special lady your spying on?" Gruncle Stan asked with a chuckle.

I started to blush hundred shades of red, quickly I looked down at my journal and pretended to read.

"What are you talking about?" I lied. However, I'm terrible at lying and Gruncle Stan could see right through me.

"Come on Dipper you can tell me." Gruncle Stan insisted. I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

It will be so embarrassing if I told him...

He stood there for a few minutes before sighing in annoyance, giving me the 'I will find out sooner or later' before walking off to a few costumers.

I quit looking at the journal, Bored out of my mind and waiting for it to be lunch break. Wendy was talking to a couple girls, one of them with brown hair and green eyes while the other one had hazel eyes and caramel ombré hair.

"You have got to be kidding me Michaela! Why didn't you tell me you got a boyfriend?" I could hear Wendy gasp at the caramel ombré girl.

"You are probably going to have a better love life then I will." The brown haired, green eyed girl sighed.

"Don't bring yourself down Artie, there are plenty of guys out there!" Wendy said patting the girl on the back.

I feel the same way Artie, I thought to myself. Then the bell rang and everyone was off for lunch break.

I quickly walked over to Caramel, when she looked up at me and smiled I nervously smile-back like a dork.

Mentally I wanted to slap myself but seeing Caramel giggle made me feel good inside, I picked up the journals and waited for Caramel to out her violin away.

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