A mystery need to solve

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( The music I put on here just for the heck of it, I honestly don't know why.)

Caramel POV

The door to the room I was put in opened, revealing a women in her mid thirties wearing  red high heels, her hair out in a  a top bun and wore stupid looking glasses.

"I have the results from the testing, Caramel is diagnosed with Sleep Paralysis, which is an disorder that manipulates her dreams and can easily give her panic attacks." The nurse announced.

   Handing over the results to Aunt Rebecca the nurse glanced at me and gave me a warm smile.

"So For Miss Hassibor, we have prescribed some pills that she needs to take every night before going to bed. However, if a nightmare occurs and she appears to have a panic attack there is a syringe with a medicine that can stop the nightmare immediately." The nurse explained. I scratched the back of my neck nervously as she handed Alyssa the syringe and pills.

"God I have a nutty cousin..." Alyssa whispered to herself. I only gave her a death glare real quick before looking down, my eyes slowly starting to water up.

Maybe I really am a nut, a freak.....

After the results were giving I was placed into a wheelchair, my legs still shaking from the trauma. And placed in a handicapped car that drove me back to the mansion.

When I arrived  home I was able to walk but needed assistance to keep balance, the maids took me to my room and closed the door, leaving me there all alone in silence. I looked out the window and smiled softly, the sky was gray but there was a peek of sunshine in a opening hole in the sky.

Looking out my senses calmed down gazing upon the beautiful mountains and the Pinetree Forest in the distance. 

But all beautiful things in the world always ends.....

flash images of the nightmare sunk into my mind. The forest on fire, bombs falling from the sky, My father melting in front of me. I let out a yelp and shook my head before opening my eyes. Everything was normal..

Taking a long breath I stood there. My eyes catching a figure running through the forest, Looking more carefully I could feel butterflies in my stomach, it was Dipper and Mabel running as fast as they can towards my house.

I stumbled as I quickly ran towards a mirror, my curly red hair frizzy and all over the place. My face looked sunken and tired, not to mention my eyes looked like I was high on crack.

Man I look ugly, What would Dipper think of me?...

I stared at myself for a minute in shock, never in my life had I worried what a boy thought of me....Why am I feeling like this? Shaking off the thought I just placed my hair into a pony tail, strains of my curly hair sticking out before running out of the door.

"CARAMEL!" Both of the twins shouted as I ran through the front door. Dipper rushed towards me and pulled me into a tight embrace, my blushing started to appear.

" what happened to you?" Mabel asked in a shouting manner, shaking my shoulders.

"I heard you were taken to the Hospital...What happened to you Caramel?" Dipper asked with worried look on his face, I could tell that he noticed my blood shot eyes and sunken face. His brown eyes narrowed but has a glow to them that made my knees feel weak.

"I saw you in my nightmare....and I had a feeling something bad happened to you." Dipper said shyly, he scratched the back of his neck and started to blush slightly.

"I saw you there too Dipper.." I replied softly.

Then I told them what happened. Having the nightmare, Bill attacking me in the kitchen that started to major panic attack, leading me to the hospital and discovering I had sleep paralysis.

I took out journals One and Two and handed the second one to Mabel, I held the first journal. Dipper took out his journal and flipped through the pages.

"I wonder if there is anything like this in the journal." Dipper mumbled to himself.

" What we need to figure out is why Bill combined our dreams and I'm valuable to him." I said. Dipper glanced at me for a minute, his brown and green eyes twinkled for a split second before looking back at the journal.

The twins both nodded to each other.

"We'll talk about this during our lunch break! Bring your violin because no matter what Stan will still make you work." Dipper replied. We both giggled softly to ourselves.

"Okay then! Don't want to upset Mr.Mystery." I replied before rolling my eyes playfully. I ran back into the mansion and thought to myself.

I don't understand why Bill is doing This to Dipper and I....why combine our dreams, does he know something that we don't-

I accidentally bumped into someone, looking up I noticed it was Brittany, she rolls her eyes before softly shoving me out of the way.

"Move it freak."  Brittany muttered under her breath, the words hit my heart like a sword. My eyes slightly started to water up but I forced them down.

"I'm not a freak Brittany." I said calmly. Brittany turned around to face me, crossing her arms around her chest.

"Well you are to me, a crazy one in our family."  Brittany hissed.

"I'm not Crazy, my reality is just different from yours. Everyone is different in their own way and no one can do anything about it...besides the world would be boring if everyone is the same....Please don't call me that anymore, that's all I ask." I said softly. Looking at Brittany I watched as we turned around and shook her head.

"She probably started acting weird  after her  suicide." She mumbled to herself, I raised my eyebrows in confusion but ignored it, Right now I needed to figure out what Bill was doing to Dipper and I. That's all that matters to me..

That's all that matters....

All A Dream ( book one )Where stories live. Discover now