d.d. ━ incorrect quotes, vol i

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( incorrect quotes )

DAPHNE DELANEY( incorrect quotes )

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DAPHNE[reading her old poetry, notes, etc. out loud] "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" No, a summer's day is not a bitch.

SOMEONE ━ Don't fear death, fear the state you are going to die in.
DAPHNE[horrified] Indiana...

DAPHNE ━ Am I made of atoms?
AMY ━ Yes, everything is.
DAPHNE ━ Are shadows?
AMY ━ ...
DAPHNE ━ Are dreams?

JONATHAN ━ What's your street name?
DAPHNE ━ Daffy Duck.
JONATHAN ━ You live on a street named 'Daffy Duck'?
DAPHNEOh, you mean my address?

STEVE ━ What do you guys do in your club?
DAPHNE ━ In Film, well, we talk about Film. Aspects of Film.
STEVE ━ So it's sort of social. Demented and sad, but social, right?

NANCY ━ Do you guys ever worry you'll regret things in the future?
DAPHNE ━ No. I regret everything instantly.

HOPPER ━ Everyone know what they're doing?
DAPHNE ━ In general, or in the plan?
HOPPER ━ ... The plan, Daphne.
DAPHNE ━ Oh, phew!

NANCY[shoots demogorgon]
JONATHAN[ignites demogorgon in bear trap]
DAPHNE[to Steve] Is it just me, or are we out of our league here?


FELIX ━ Let's do something really scary!
DAPHNE ━ We could go to bed early and be alone with our thoughts.

THOMAS[to Cath and Peggy] Daphne is using the living room downstairs to focus on writing her short story, and she is not to be disturbed!
MEANWHILE, DAPHNE[carefully cuts out a paper snowflake, then turns around to look at room littered with paper snowflakes]
DAPHNE ━ Not enough, not enough...

[on her eighteenth birthday]
THOMAS ━ Don't get drunk. If you want to drink, that's fine, but don't get—

DAPHNE ━ What's the word for horny but not in a sexual way? Like, "I'm horny for Halloween but I don't wanna fuck a pumpkin", you feel?
AMY ━ I think the word you're looking for is "excited".

FELIX[can't find Daphne in a crowd]
FELIX[cups hands] Hey, nice Ghostbusters costume!
FELIX ━ Ah, found her.

DAPHNE ━ I currently have seven empty notebooks and no clue what to put in them. Suggestions?
DUSTIN ━ Put spaghetti in it.
DAPHNE ━ I am currently taking suggestions from anyone except for you.
LUCAS ━ Put spaghetti in it.
DAPHNE ━ I am currently taking suggestions from anyone except for the two of you.
STEVE ━ Put spaghetti in it.
DAPHNE ━ I am no longer taking suggestions.

DUSTIN ━ Billy beat you up. Do you remember anything?
STEVE ━ Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
MAX ━ That wasn't an ambulance. I drove you.
STEVE ━ But... I thought I heard sirens?
DUSTIN ━ That was Daphne.
DAPHNE ━ I'm sorry, I got nervous...

STEVE ━ I'd teach Dustin about sports and stuff and you'd be in charge of his emotional crap. We agreed that's how we'd raise our kids.
DAPHNEOur kids? Steve, we're not married.
STEVE ━ Daph, we're a little married.
DAPHNE ━ I know. I love it.


inspired by: Iydiamartin stilestastic dawngrangers scottmccalling etc...

[ it was actually kind of difficult to find the right incorrect quotes for daphne... and then when i did, i realised i'd have to wait because some of the later ones are low-key spoilers 👀 also the little hints of staphne and how they develop through the incorrect quotes 🥰 i'm so excited for you guys to see more of them! ]

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