Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Sunlight filling the room brought me out of a deep sleep. I glanced to my side and saw Landen sleeping soundly. I watched his chest rise and fall, assuring myself that he was real. Smiling, I let my memory flow over the night that we'd shared, but then the day that we'd lived before came crashing through my thoughts.

I had so many questions.

Is everyone safe now?

Is Drake only a bad memory?

What now?

He looked too serene to wake. I decided to get up and explore. There was a long dresser on the opposite wall of our bed. I saw the bag that I'd packed in Franklin sitting on top of it.

My photo album was open to the picture of graduation night. Monica was the valedictorian, and Olivia and I were kissing her cheeks as she smiled widely. An uneasy breath escaped me. I wanted them all to be safe and wished only for a moment that they'd never known my darkness or me.

With my purple top, white shorts, and all my toiletries, I found my way to the master bath.

When I was ready for the day, I tiptoed past Landen's sleeping body and went down the stairs. The house was even more perfect in reality, not a single stich of uniformity could be found, it did seem like it was manufacture made to capture the almighty dollar. Like the home I grew up in, it felt like it was made with love, made to protect a family, to hold all the laughter and memories tightly inside its vibration.

I searched for the willow tree first. Rainbows danced across the walls as the sun touched the crystals. While I was standing star struck, I heard something. It sounded like a car door closing.

I peeked out the front window and saw a little white car, just like the ones we had at home. The only difference was that the top of the car had a gray panel. Someone was pulling things out of the back seat. She was young, her hair was long and blonde—almost white—and her skin was the color of honey. I walked to the front door and opened it a bit shyly. She turned as I stepped on the front porch, a smile filling her beautiful face. I assumed she was Felicity, Brady's soul mate. The massive baby bump gave it away.

"Did I wake you?" she said.

"I was exploring..."

She had reached the porch wither her large basket, and I could smell the baked goods coming from it. My stomach adamantly reminded me that my last meal had been breakfast yesterday.

"I'm Felicity."

"Willow," I said under my breath.

I felt like a fool. She knew who I was. "Here, let me take that," I said.

"Is Landen still asleep?" she asked.

I nodded and watched her walk into the house. A bit confused, I followed her through the entry hall to the kitchen.

"This is my favorite room. It was the only one I got to help with," she said over her shoulder.

The kitchen was one of the rooms I hadn't been in yet, but I found it perfect, just like the others. The counters were made of a beautiful gray stone, the cabinets were a dark wood that matched the table and chairs, and there were beautiful bouquets of flowers set in the center of the table and counter. The room was extremely large. It had a long window across one wall and a wide doorway on the back wall that led to the porch. She walked over to the cupboard and pulled out two glasses and plates. I sat down at the large kitchen table and just watched her. She had a beautiful glow about her.

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