Chapter Two

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I still couldn't believe it just why? Why now? Why him? I sat at cried more into Veronica's shoulder. What was I doing to do with my life?

I made the smart choice of booking a doctors appointment for a weeks time seeing as I just found out I was pregnant. It's just such a huge shame that Jughead won't get to see our little baby grow up and celebrate its birthdays. I felt broken deep inside but I knew that this baby was going to bring me hope. It was the one of the last pieces of Jughead I had and that was why I had to take care of myself to support this baby growing inside me.

~A week later...

As I sat in the waiting room at the hospital I saw many couples sitting hand in hand anxiously waiting. Women with small bumps  some with big bumps and some with little babies coming for check ups. Seeing this made me feel sad and alone despite having Veornica at the appointment with me but she wasn't the same as Jughead. She couldn't full the Jughead shaped sized hole in my heart.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the nurse calling my name

Elizabeth Jones

How I used to love that name but now it just brought me pain and sadness knowing my husband was dead but no matter what I still love him and he is the father of our child so I would never change my name.

I lay down in the bed as the doctor puts some cold gel on my swollen stomach. She moves a device around a bit and then looks at the screen.

Mrs Jones, Congratulations you are 5 almost 6 weeks pregnant and your babies look very healthy

"Hold up babies as in plural" I shout to which the doctor nods and turns the screen around. I can see two small blobs on it which are my beautiful babies. I let a tear roll down my face, look at Ronnie at say "if only jug was here and could see this our beautiful babies."

I got some pictures and headed home. Unfortunately home didn't feel like home with Jughead. Our bed felt empty and cold without him there. I missed our pillow talk and his arms around me , our snuggles, his scent all of it. I wish there was a way to bring him back I really do. I love him and I miss him but no i have to take care of myself and two babies as a single mum.

If only Juggie was here when I needed him and with that I went off into a deep peaceful sleep knowing he was probably watching over me and our babies from up in heaven.

Just the three of us ~BugheadWhere stories live. Discover now