Chapter Six

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Wow I couldn't believe it, I was in labour. Sweet Pea drove the car with Ronnie and I in it to the hospital as quickly as he could and within a quarter of an hour we were there.

We entered the building and Ronnie shouted out "can we get some help here my bestie is in labour ." A nurse came over and helped me to sit down in a wheelchair. I got wheeled into a room and got checked to see how far along I was. Sweet Pea had to go to secret serpent business which he has done a couple times now but won't tell anyone what it is not even Ronnie but he assured her it is not dangerous and he is not cheating on her.

I found out I was 5 centimetres dilated which is halfway so I had a little bit of a wait but Ronnie was there to entertain me. 

4 hours later and I was 8 centimetres dilated. Pea had come back from the serpent business and was here too. He had been taking pictures and documenting my pregnancy the whole way through which I thought was kinda cute so I would have lots of memories to look back on when they are older. 

Another hour later I was fully dilated and was told to start pushing. Shortly, the first baby was out I named Jonas Jonas Pendleton Jones and 7 minutes later his brother Jayden Forsythe Jones was born. I was really tired after pushing two babies out my vagina but was really happy when I saw them. They both had my blonde hair but Jugheads facial features.

After I had fed them I needed to sleep so Ronnie held Jayden and Pea held Jonas. I woke up a couple hours later and held both the babies in my arms carefully and Pea decided it would be a great moment to take a picture which I was not happy about because I looked awful.

A day later i was allowed to go home so I got both the babies dressed and then got Ronnie and Pea to put the babies in their car seats as I got dressed.

We headed back home and I sat in the back of the car with the twins while Ronnie sat in the passenger seat and Pea drove. 

As I was being driven home the realisation hit me harder than before. Jughead. I really miss him and I hate the thought that our babies are never gonna get to see him and hes never gonna get to see them either. I will be raising them alone as a mother. They will have loads of aunts and uncles because of the Serpents but the wont have a sad and that's the sad cruel reality. Our little family of just the three of us. 

Just the three of us ~BugheadWhere stories live. Discover now