Chapter Three

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~6 weeks later...

Adter his funeral a month ago,I was slowing getting over the loss of Jughead but not in a bad way. I love him with all my heart but I have accepted the fact he is dead and not coming back.

Today I had another doctors appointment this time it is my 12 week scan so the babies will be bigger and then in 2 months I will be able to find out the genders which I am really excited about.

The appointment is went well and I got more pictures of the ultrasound. I just couldn't believe that in just 6 months I will have beautiful twin babies in my arms.

Veronica and her boyfriend Sweet Pea have been a big help for the past three months despite also grieving for Jughead after all Jughead was Sweet Pea's best friend and was like a brother to Veronica so him passing away also hurt them.  Veronica is also adamant that the babies will both be little girls with blonde hair which is funny because if you try to tell her that there is a chance it could be two boys she will throw a fit just like a little toddler when you say no to giving them a cookie.

Veronica, Sweet Pea and I have also came up with a list of names for the babies:

If they are girls they will be called

Juliet Marie Jones and Jasmine Forsythia Jones

If they are boys they will be called

Jonas Pendleton Jones and Jayden Forsythe Jones

Each of the names each has something that represents and honors Jughead which I thought was a nice idea. Even though I was gonna be a single mum to twins I had a great support network of my family, Jug's dad and sister plus all of our friends so I would always have someone to help if I needed it which was very nice.

I just can't wait to find out the gender of the babies.

Just the three of us ~BugheadWhere stories live. Discover now