Chapter Eleven

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I awoke the next day by my alarm. I did my normal morning routine of having a quick shower, get dressed and do the necessary jobs like brushing my hair and teeth. Then I woke up the boys and started to make breakfast while they got dressed. I made them cereal and let them watch tv while eating it. After they were done eating I wahed up their bowls and they got all their school stuff ready. We headed out the door and I drove them to school.

Once I arrived back home there was another car in the driveway that I hadn't seen before. I looked who it was and it was Jughead. I allowed him to come inside the house. We sat down in the living room with an awkward silence and sexual tension between us. He looked hotter than he did 6 years ago if that's possible and I missed him in more ways than one in those 6 years. I really wanted to kiss him or jump his bones. 

I could also see it in his eyes and within seconds we were making out and then (You know what happens next 😏)

"Wow" We both said as we got our breath back. "Now how do I tell the boys when I pick them up that their daddy isn't actually dead?" I asked. "Well tell them a simplified version of truth something like So you know I said daddy was dead well turns out he wasn't he just had to pretend to be dead stop the bad guys coming after me and you guys."

We got out of bed and got dressed. I put the bed sheets in the wash and then we sat on the sofa and watched Netflix for a bit while eating pizza we ordered. Hours later I had to go pick up Jayden and Jonas from school so I told jughead to stay here and I would tell the boys in the car on the way back home and when they go inside they can meet him.

I had picked Jayden and Jonas up from school and we were now on the way back home. "So you know how I said daddy was dead" they both nodded "Well he had to pretend to be dead to stop the bad guys from hurting me and you boys."  "So daddy is a superhero?" Jonas said. I laughed and said "kind of" to which  both boys said "cool". If you want to meet him is at home right now so do you want to meet him?" I asked them.  "Yeah" Jonas said while Jayden said "umm...okay".

               Jonas^             Jayden^

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               Jonas^             Jayden^

            •Confident        •Shy
            •Outgoing         •Reserved
            •'cool'                •Socially awkward

Just the three of us ~BugheadWhere stories live. Discover now