the samurai Keyblade wielder

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Yasuke and his best friend Derrick are with Master Yen Sin and King Mickey while Yen Sid is meditating Mickey helped Yasuke and Derrick pack there things to get ready for Sora

Derrick: ok I think I got everything but just to make sure( goes through his bag) weapons

Mickey: Check

Derrick: Clothes

Yasuke : Check

Derrick: Snacks

Mickey: Check

Derrick: okay thats everything (closes bag then looks at Yasuke) holy shit your already done Yasuke

Yasuke: yep was just waiting for you(straps katana to waist then turns to King Mickey) thank you for helping us pack your highness

King Mickey aww no problem fellas they all wait outside for the gummi ship to see Ventus Aqua and Terra also waiting for the gummi ship

Derrick: Ven what up bro (fist pumps Ven)

Ventus: nothing much Derrick how'v you been

Derrick: well i'm not dead thats for sure (see's Aqua and Terra Hugging Yasuke)

Yasuke: it's been to long guys

Terra: you got that right Yasuke(sees Yasuke's Katana) ah you still have that 

Yasuke: thats the only memory of my mother Terra you know that unless you want to keyblade dual right here right now( summons his keyblade

Terra (puts hands up in defense) nope i'm good

Aqua:(giggles at the two of them) you two always make me laugh they all then see the gummi ship with Sora, Donald, Goofy, and Barret Wallace landing in front of them

Sora: hey guys sorry were late we wanted to bring Barret with us (see's Yasuke and Derrick)

Aqua:(Gushers to Yasuke and Derrick) Sora these are our friends Yasuke and Derrick 

Sora: nice to meet you guys (sees Derrick shaking and shrinks into a size of a mouse)

Barret: Whoa did he just shrink himself

Yasuke: yeah he can change sizes (whispers) that and he gets shy around new people

Barret: oh I hear yeah kid

Donald: So are you sure you can help Sora and the rest in our place

Barret: Donald don't worry I got this and besides didn't you promise a cretin someone that you would check on her every once and a while (smirks)

Donald:(eyes widen for realization) DAISY!!!!!!!! Donald runs inside the tower to teleport to Disney Castle

Goofy: I'll stay with the King have fun Barret

Barret:(grins) you know I will Goofy and the King waved them goodbye as the gummi ship took off Barret with at the driver's seat while Derrick and Ventus are playing checkers

Barret: So any ideas of where were going

Sora: where ever we can go

Derrick: and hopefully theirs some good food that we can try

Barret:(Laughs) I like this one as they rode to a near by would

Yasuke thought: I wonder where we will go

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